不是所有的移动终端都获取不到,新连接的移动终端时常获到不到IP地址,在DHCP服务器查看IP分配情况, 还有许多未使用的IP地址呢,为什么获取不到呢?
# version 7.1.064, Release 2425P10 # sysname 1楼西会议室(销售) # clock timezone Beijing add 08:00:00 # wlan global-configuration # telnet server enable # port-security enable # dhcp enable # dns proxy enable ip host myap.h3c.com # lldp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 4071 # vlan 4094 # dhcp server ip-pool 4071 gateway-list network mask dns-list expired day 0 hour 1 # dhcp server ip-pool 4094 gateway-list network mask dns-list # wlan service-template 1 ssid LINKTOUR-OA service-template enable # wlan service-template 2 ssid LINKTOUR-GUEST service-template enable # wlan service-template 3 ssid LINKTOUR-ADMIN beacon ssid-hide akm mode psk preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$Y20814qk1BHuPnmGR6apMO/Hm9fO4GwTTcxPuQrQ2A== cipher-suite ccmp cipher-suite tkip security-ie rsn security-ie wpa service-template enable # wlan service-template 4 ssid H3C_WiFi_4 # wlan service-template 5 ssid H3C_WiFi_5 # wlan service-template 6 ssid H3C_WiFi_6 # wlan service-template 7 ssid H3C_WiFi_7 # wlan service-template 8 ssid H3C_WiFi_8 # wlan service-template 9 ssid H3C_WiFi_9 # wlan service-template 10 ssid H3C_WiFi_10 # wlan service-template 11 ssid H3C_WiFi_11 # wlan service-template 12 ssid H3C_WiFi_12 # wlan service-template 13 ssid H3C_WiFi_13 # wlan service-template 14 ssid H3C_WiFi_14 # wlan service-template 15 ssid H3C_WiFi_15 # wlan service-template 16 ssid H3C_AD7DC0 vlan 4094 beacon ssid-hide service-template enable # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Vlan-interface4071 ip address # interface Vlan-interface4094 ip address dhcp server apply ip-pool 4094 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/2 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # scheduler logfile size 16 # line class console user-role network-admin # line class vty user-role network-operator # line con 0 user-role network-admin # line vty 0 63 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-operator # ntp-service enable ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** priority ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** # acl advanced name default rule 0 permit ip source rule 1 permit ip source 0 # acl number 4000 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4001 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4002 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4003 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4004 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4005 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4006 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4007 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4008 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4009 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4010 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4011 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4012 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4013 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4014 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4015 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4016 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4017 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4018 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4019 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4020 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4021 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4022 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4023 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4024 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4025 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4026 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4027 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4028 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4029 rule 65534 deny # radius scheme internal-oasis-0x0 primary authentication primary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$MO4dYNliz/CcsnIXeRzAxIjnIBpNB0NpFQ== key accounting cipher $c$3$8zQz8J/nFJrqLDOvNrlX9G3RpNkMqFmCIw== user-name-format without-domain nas-ip # domain cloud authentication portal none authorization portal none accounting portal none # domain system # domain default enable system # user-group system # local-user admin class manage password hash $h$6$BJ82poByBzwTLv5V$81lQcvv+NebP+5NoEA/sitfUjcswT6MC8qqvADt4y5m1/bOGMyc0jpHGVRh8XLszxIHQAmGwZjtPzrkNNec6nQ== service-type telnet http https authorization-attribute user-role network-admin # portal host-check enable portal user log enable portal client-gateway interface Vlan-interface1 portal free-rule 501 destination ip portal free-rule 502 destination ip any udp 53 portal free-rule 503 destination ip any tcp 53 portal free-rule 504 destination ip any tcp 5223 portal free-rule 520 destination oasisauth.h3c.com portal free-rule 521 destination short.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 522 destination mp.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 523 destination long.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 524 destination dns.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 525 destination minorshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 526 destination extshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 527 destination szshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 528 destination szlong.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 529 destination szextshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 530 destination isdspeed.qq.com portal free-rule 531 destination ***.*** portal free-rule 532 destination wifi.weixin.qq.com # portal web-server 1 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551576 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 2 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551579 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 3 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551921 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 4 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 5 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 6 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 7 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 8 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 9 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 10 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 11 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 12 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 13 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 14 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 15 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal local-web-server http # portal local-web-server https # ip http acl advanced name default ip https acl advanced name default ip http enable ip https enable # portal mac-trigger-server cloud binding-retry 2 interval 3 cloud-binding enable # cloud-management server domain oasis.h3c.com # return
# version 7.1.064, Release 2425P10 # sysname 1楼西会议室(销售) # clock timezone Beijing add 08:00:00 # wlan global-configuration # telnet server enable # port-security enable # dhcp enable # dns proxy enable ip host myap.h3c.com # lldp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 4071 # vlan 4094 # dhcp server ip-pool 4071 gateway-list network mask dns-list expired day 0 hour 1 # dhcp server ip-pool 4094 gateway-list network mask dns-list # wlan service-template 1 ssid LINKTOUR-OA service-template enable # wlan service-template 2 ssid LINKTOUR-GUEST service-template enable # wlan service-template 3 ssid LINKTOUR-ADMIN beacon ssid-hide akm mode psk preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$Y20814qk1BHuPnmGR6apMO/Hm9fO4GwTTcxPuQrQ2A== cipher-suite ccmp cipher-suite tkip security-ie rsn security-ie wpa service-template enable # wlan service-template 4 ssid H3C_WiFi_4 # wlan service-template 5 ssid H3C_WiFi_5 # wlan service-template 6 ssid H3C_WiFi_6 # wlan service-template 7 ssid H3C_WiFi_7 # wlan service-template 8 ssid H3C_WiFi_8 # wlan service-template 9 ssid H3C_WiFi_9 # wlan service-template 10 ssid H3C_WiFi_10 # wlan service-template 11 ssid H3C_WiFi_11 # wlan service-template 12 ssid H3C_WiFi_12 # wlan service-template 13 ssid H3C_WiFi_13 # wlan service-template 14 ssid H3C_WiFi_14 # wlan service-template 15 ssid H3C_WiFi_15 # wlan service-template 16 ssid H3C_AD7DC0 vlan 4094 beacon ssid-hide service-template enable # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Vlan-interface4071 ip address # interface Vlan-interface4094 ip address dhcp server apply ip-pool 4094 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/2 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # scheduler logfile size 16 # line class console user-role network-admin # line class vty user-role network-operator # line con 0 user-role network-admin # line vty 0 63 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-operator # ntp-service enable ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** priority ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** # acl advanced name default rule 0 permit ip source rule 1 permit ip source 0 # acl number 4000 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4001 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4002 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4003 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4004 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4005 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4006 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4007 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4008 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4009 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4010 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4011 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4012 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4013 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4014 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4015 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4016 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4017 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4018 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4019 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4020 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4021 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4022 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4023 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4024 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4025 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4026 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4027 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4028 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4029 rule 65534 deny # radius scheme internal-oasis-0x0 primary authentication primary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$MO4dYNliz/CcsnIXeRzAxIjnIBpNB0NpFQ== key accounting cipher $c$3$8zQz8J/nFJrqLDOvNrlX9G3RpNkMqFmCIw== user-name-format without-domain nas-ip # domain cloud authentication portal none authorization portal none accounting portal none # domain system # domain default enable system # user-group system # local-user admin class manage password hash $h$6$BJ82poByBzwTLv5V$81lQcvv+NebP+5NoEA/sitfUjcswT6MC8qqvADt4y5m1/bOGMyc0jpHGVRh8XLszxIHQAmGwZjtPzrkNNec6nQ== service-type telnet http https authorization-attribute user-role network-admin # portal host-check enable portal user log enable portal client-gateway interface Vlan-interface1 portal free-rule 501 destination ip portal free-rule 502 destination ip any udp 53 portal free-rule 503 destination ip any tcp 53 portal free-rule 504 destination ip any tcp 5223 portal free-rule 520 destination oasisauth.h3c.com portal free-rule 521 destination short.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 522 destination mp.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 523 destination long.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 524 destination dns.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 525 destination minorshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 526 destination extshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 527 destination szshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 528 destination szlong.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 529 destination szextshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 530 destination isdspeed.qq.com portal free-rule 531 destination ***.*** portal free-rule 532 destination wifi.weixin.qq.com # portal web-server 1 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551576 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 2 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551579 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 3 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551921 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 4 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 5 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 6 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 7 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 8 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 9 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 10 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 11 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 12 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 13 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 14 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 15 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal local-web-server http # portal local-web-server https # ip http acl advanced name default ip https acl advanced name default ip http enable ip https enable # portal mac-trigger-server cloud binding-retry 2 interval 3 cloud-binding enable # cloud-management server domain oasis.h3c.com # return
# version 7.1.064, Release 2425P10 # sysname 1楼西会议室(销售) # clock timezone Beijing add 08:00:00 # wlan global-configuration # telnet server enable # port-security enable # dhcp enable # dns proxy enable ip host myap.h3c.com # lldp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 4071 # vlan 4094 # dhcp server ip-pool 4071 gateway-list network mask dns-list expired day 0 hour 1 # dhcp server ip-pool 4094 gateway-list network mask dns-list # wlan service-template 1 ssid LINKTOUR-OA service-template enable # wlan service-template 2 ssid LINKTOUR-GUEST service-template enable # wlan service-template 3 ssid LINKTOUR-ADMIN beacon ssid-hide akm mode psk preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$Y20814qk1BHuPnmGR6apMO/Hm9fO4GwTTcxPuQrQ2A== cipher-suite ccmp cipher-suite tkip security-ie rsn security-ie wpa service-template enable # wlan service-template 4 ssid H3C_WiFi_4 # wlan service-template 5 ssid H3C_WiFi_5 # wlan service-template 6 ssid H3C_WiFi_6 # wlan service-template 7 ssid H3C_WiFi_7 # wlan service-template 8 ssid H3C_WiFi_8 # wlan service-template 9 ssid H3C_WiFi_9 # wlan service-template 10 ssid H3C_WiFi_10 # wlan service-template 11 ssid H3C_WiFi_11 # wlan service-template 12 ssid H3C_WiFi_12 # wlan service-template 13 ssid H3C_WiFi_13 # wlan service-template 14 ssid H3C_WiFi_14 # wlan service-template 15 ssid H3C_WiFi_15 # wlan service-template 16 ssid H3C_AD7DC0 vlan 4094 beacon ssid-hide service-template enable # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Vlan-interface4071 ip address # interface Vlan-interface4094 ip address dhcp server apply ip-pool 4094 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/2 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # scheduler logfile size 16 # line class console user-role network-admin # line class vty user-role network-operator # line con 0 user-role network-admin # line vty 0 63 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-operator # ntp-service enable ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** priority ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** # acl advanced name default rule 0 permit ip source rule 1 permit ip source 0 # acl number 4000 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4001 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4002 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4003 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4004 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4005 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4006 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4007 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4008 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4009 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4010 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4011 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4012 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4013 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4014 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4015 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4016 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4017 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4018 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4019 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4020 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4021 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4022 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4023 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4024 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4025 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4026 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4027 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4028 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4029 rule 65534 deny # radius scheme internal-oasis-0x0 primary authentication primary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$MO4dYNliz/CcsnIXeRzAxIjnIBpNB0NpFQ== key accounting cipher $c$3$8zQz8J/nFJrqLDOvNrlX9G3RpNkMqFmCIw== user-name-format without-domain nas-ip # domain cloud authentication portal none authorization portal none accounting portal none # domain system # domain default enable system # user-group system # local-user admin class manage password hash $h$6$BJ82poByBzwTLv5V$81lQcvv+NebP+5NoEA/sitfUjcswT6MC8qqvADt4y5m1/bOGMyc0jpHGVRh8XLszxIHQAmGwZjtPzrkNNec6nQ== service-type telnet http https authorization-attribute user-role network-admin # portal host-check enable portal user log enable portal client-gateway interface Vlan-interface1 portal free-rule 501 destination ip portal free-rule 502 destination ip any udp 53 portal free-rule 503 destination ip any tcp 53 portal free-rule 504 destination ip any tcp 5223 portal free-rule 520 destination oasisauth.h3c.com portal free-rule 521 destination short.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 522 destination mp.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 523 destination long.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 524 destination dns.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 525 destination minorshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 526 destination extshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 527 destination szshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 528 destination szlong.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 529 destination szextshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 530 destination isdspeed.qq.com portal free-rule 531 destination ***.*** portal free-rule 532 destination wifi.weixin.qq.com # portal web-server 1 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551576 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 2 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551579 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 3 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551921 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 4 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 5 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 6 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 7 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 8 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 9 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 10 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 11 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 12 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 13 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 14 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 15 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal local-web-server http # portal local-web-server https # ip http acl advanced name default ip https acl advanced name default ip http enable ip https enable # portal mac-trigger-server cloud binding-retry 2 interval 3 cloud-binding enable # cloud-management server domain oasis.h3c.com # return
# version 7.1.064, Release 2425P10 # sysname 1楼西会议室(销售) # clock timezone Beijing add 08:00:00 # wlan global-configuration # telnet server enable # port-security enable # dhcp enable # dns proxy enable ip host myap.h3c.com # lldp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 4071 # vlan 4094 # dhcp server ip-pool 4071 gateway-list network mask dns-list expired day 0 hour 1 # dhcp server ip-pool 4094 gateway-list network mask dns-list # wlan service-template 1 ssid LINKTOUR-OA service-template enable # wlan service-template 2 ssid LINKTOUR-GUEST service-template enable # wlan service-template 3 ssid LINKTOUR-ADMIN beacon ssid-hide akm mode psk preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$Y20814qk1BHuPnmGR6apMO/Hm9fO4GwTTcxPuQrQ2A== cipher-suite ccmp cipher-suite tkip security-ie rsn security-ie wpa service-template enable # wlan service-template 4 ssid H3C_WiFi_4 # wlan service-template 5 ssid H3C_WiFi_5 # wlan service-template 6 ssid H3C_WiFi_6 # wlan service-template 7 ssid H3C_WiFi_7 # wlan service-template 8 ssid H3C_WiFi_8 # wlan service-template 9 ssid H3C_WiFi_9 # wlan service-template 10 ssid H3C_WiFi_10 # wlan service-template 11 ssid H3C_WiFi_11 # wlan service-template 12 ssid H3C_WiFi_12 # wlan service-template 13 ssid H3C_WiFi_13 # wlan service-template 14 ssid H3C_WiFi_14 # wlan service-template 15 ssid H3C_WiFi_15 # wlan service-template 16 ssid H3C_AD7DC0 vlan 4094 beacon ssid-hide service-template enable # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Vlan-interface4071 ip address # interface Vlan-interface4094 ip address dhcp server apply ip-pool 4094 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan 1 to 4000 port-isolate enable # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # interface WLAN-Radio1/0/2 service-template 1 service-template 16 service-template 2 service-template 3 # scheduler logfile size 16 # line class console user-role network-admin # line class vty user-role network-operator # line con 0 user-role network-admin # line vty 0 63 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-operator # ntp-service enable ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** priority ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** ntp-service unicast-server ***.*** # acl advanced name default rule 0 permit ip source rule 1 permit ip source 0 # acl number 4000 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4001 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4002 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4003 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4004 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4005 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4006 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4007 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4008 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4009 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4010 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4011 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4012 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4013 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4014 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4015 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4016 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4017 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4018 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4019 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4020 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4021 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4022 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4023 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4024 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4025 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4026 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4027 rule 65534 deny # acl number 4028 rule 65534 permit # acl number 4029 rule 65534 deny # radius scheme internal-oasis-0x0 primary authentication primary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$MO4dYNliz/CcsnIXeRzAxIjnIBpNB0NpFQ== key accounting cipher $c$3$8zQz8J/nFJrqLDOvNrlX9G3RpNkMqFmCIw== user-name-format without-domain nas-ip # domain cloud authentication portal none authorization portal none accounting portal none # domain system # domain default enable system # user-group system # local-user admin class manage password hash $h$6$BJ82poByBzwTLv5V$81lQcvv+NebP+5NoEA/sitfUjcswT6MC8qqvADt4y5m1/bOGMyc0jpHGVRh8XLszxIHQAmGwZjtPzrkNNec6nQ== service-type telnet http https authorization-attribute user-role network-admin # portal host-check enable portal user log enable portal client-gateway interface Vlan-interface1 portal free-rule 501 destination ip portal free-rule 502 destination ip any udp 53 portal free-rule 503 destination ip any tcp 53 portal free-rule 504 destination ip any tcp 5223 portal free-rule 520 destination oasisauth.h3c.com portal free-rule 521 destination short.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 522 destination mp.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 523 destination long.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 524 destination dns.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 525 destination minorshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 526 destination extshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 527 destination szshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 528 destination szlong.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 529 destination szextshort.weixin.qq.com portal free-rule 530 destination isdspeed.qq.com portal free-rule 531 destination ***.*** portal free-rule 532 destination wifi.weixin.qq.com # portal web-server 1 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551576 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 2 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551579 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 3 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth url-parameter template_id value 551921 if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 4 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 5 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 6 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 7 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 8 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 9 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 10 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 11 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 12 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 13 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 14 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal web-server 15 url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol captive-bypass ios optimize enable server-type oauth if-match user-agent CaptiveNetworkSupport redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/generate_404 if-match original-url temp-pass if-match original-url http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol if-match original-url http://www.apple.com user-agent Mozilla temp-pass redirect-url http://oasisauth.h3c.com/portal/protocol # portal local-web-server http # portal local-web-server https # ip http acl advanced name default ip https acl advanced name default ip http enable ip https enable # portal mac-trigger-server cloud binding-retry 2 interval 3 cloud-binding enable # cloud-management server domain oasis.h3c.com # return
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