重启之后就这个状态 因为交换机没有mode键 重启后按ctrl+break也没有任何反应
***************** SYSTEM RESET *****************
Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS
BOOT Software Version Built 23-Nov-2011 08:31:59
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Networking device with Marvell ARM CPU core. 256 MByte SDRAM.
I-Cache 16 KB. D-Cache 16 KB. L2 Cache 256 KB. Cache Enabled.
MAC Address : f4:ea:67:88:b5:10.
Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.
Preparing to decompress...
Decompressing SW from image-1
Running from RAM...
Board ID is 28
Device ID 0xdcb111ab
*** Running SW Ver. Date 02-Feb-2012 Time 10:12:46 ***
HW version is V01
Base Mac address is: f4:ea:67:88:b5:10
Dram size is : 256M bytes
Dram first block size is : 208896K bytes
Dram first PTR is : 0x3000000
Dram second block size is : 4096K bytes
Dram second PTR is : 0xFC00000
Flash size is: 32M
02-Feb-2012 10:13:01 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading running configuration.
02-Feb-2012 10:13:01 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.
Device configuration:
Slot 1 - SF500-24
Device 0: GT_98DX1122 (TomCat)
-- Unit Number 1 --
02-Feb-2012 10:13:07 %Entity-I-SEND-ENT-CONF-CHANGE-TRAP: entity configuration c hange trap.
02-Feb-2012 10:13:19 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed
-- Unit Number 1 Master Enabled --
Tapi Version: v1.9.5
Core Version: v1.9.5
02-Feb-2012 10:13:25 %MLDP-I-MASTER: Switching to the Master Mode.
02-Feb-2012 10:13:25 %Stack-I-STCK-CFG-CHNG: Configuration changed: chain
02-Feb-2012 10:13:30 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of running configuration items loaded: 0
02-Feb-2012 10:13:30 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration items loaded: 0
User Name:
User Name: