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交换机下行接口经常UP/DOWN,看日志%May 13 21:15:06:669 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down.



粉丝:13人 关注:0人


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粉丝:2人 关注:3人


# version 7.1.070, Release 6530P02 # sysname 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 # clock timezone Beijing add 08:00:00 clock protocol ntp # telnet server enable # irf mac-address persistent timer irf auto-update enable undo irf link-delay irf member 1 priority 20 irf member 2 priority 10 # dot1x dot1x authentication-method eap dot1x timer reauth-period 900 # mac-authentication # lldp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 121 # vlan 132 # irf-port 1/1 port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/27 port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/28 # irf-port 2/2 port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/27 port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/28 # stp global enable # interface Bridge-Aggregation1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all link-aggregation mode dynamic undo stp enable # interface Bridge-Aggregation3 description 24.42 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all link-aggregation mode dynamic # interface Bridge-Aggregation4 description 24.43 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all link-aggregation mode dynamic # interface Bridge-Aggregation5 description 24.44 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all link-aggregation mode dynamic # interface Bridge-Aggregation6 description 24.45 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all # interface Bridge-Aggregation7 description 24.46 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all # interface Bridge-Aggregation8 description 24.47 BAGG1 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all link-aggregation mode dynamic # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-mode bridge description To_24.42 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 3 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port link-mode bridge port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 port link-mode bridge description To_24.43 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 4 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4 port link-mode bridge description To_24.44 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 5 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 port link-mode bridge description To_24.45 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 6 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6 port link-mode bridge description To_24.46 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 7 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 port link-mode bridge description To_24.47 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 8 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24 port link-mode bridge port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid vlan 132 untagged port hybrid pvid vlan 132 combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1 port link-mode bridge description To_24.42 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 3 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/2 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/3 port link-mode bridge description To_24.43 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 4 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/4 port link-mode bridge description To_24.44 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 5 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/5 port link-mode bridge description To_24.45 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 6 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/6 port link-mode bridge description To_24.46 XGE1/0/52 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 7 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 port link-mode bridge description To_24.47 XGE1/0/51 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all port link-aggregation group 8 # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/8 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/9 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/10 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/11 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/12 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/13 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/14 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/15 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/16 port link-mode bridge # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/17 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/19 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/20 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/21 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/22 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/23 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface GigabitEthernet2/0/24 port link-mode bridge combo enable auto # interface M-GigabitEthernet0/0/0 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 port link-mode bridge description TO 2Z-MES-6.234_huiju port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all undo stp enable port link-aggregation group 1 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/26 port link-mode bridge # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/25 port link-mode bridge description TO 2Z-MES-6.234_huiju port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all undo stp enable port link-aggregation group 1 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/26 port link-mode bridge # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/27 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/28 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/27 # interface Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/28 # scheduler logfile size 16 # line class aux user-role network-admin # line class usb user-role network-admin # line class vty user-role network-operator # line aux 0 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-admin # line aux 1 user-role network-admin # line vty 0 4 authentication-mode scheme user-role network-operator idle-timeout 5 0 # line vty 5 63 user-role network-operator # ip route-static 0 # info-center synchronous info-center logbuffer size 1024 info-center loghost # snmp-agent snmp-agent local-engineid 800063A280982044C9281200000001 snmp-agent community read detail snmp-agent community write support snmp-agent sys-info version v2c v3 # ssh server enable # ntp-service enable ntp-service unicast-server # super password role network-admin hash $h$6$3aoXI+pfcvMkzNYg$UpnPKuobkFehaWSuP/Eff77bhdWhOKIpr/jjP+NKqdGMblzU7qLEWLnaoI9gVJ7nvJYzxLORNewN6Q1wocyIrw== # hwtacacs scheme aaa primary authentication primary authorization primary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$QJex7jEZqQDSjLPYLKpm36O1/bhNk9n+AEnjHJyP key authorization cipher $c$3$7S2ptDX1qKzvThqcVM6HYkUqad/jcWQFB7aRA1e1 key accounting cipher $c$3$ZkpfYhWmbWQ1VIXN4fnCSybQYItBsPCtXyjjc6Yb user-name-format without-domain # radius scheme system user-name-format without-domain # radius scheme uniaccess primary authentication primary accounting secondary authentication secondary accounting key authentication cipher $c$3$PPHhFAaLZDLiZdT0WXZp+boYqrAb5rctzFU8 key accounting cipher $c$3$5TFpDrSmIculGSlRxwxDImEcq68XKV6X7XTH # domain leagsoft authentication login hwtacacs-scheme aaa local authorization login hwtacacs-scheme aaa local accounting login hwtacacs-scheme aaa local authentication lan-access radius-scheme uniaccess none authorization lan-access radius-scheme uniaccess none accounting lan-access radius-scheme uniaccess none # domain system # domain default enable leagsoft # role name level-0 description Predefined level-0 role # role name level-1 description Predefined level-1 role # role name level-2 description Predefined level-2 role # role name level-3 description Predefined level-3 role # role name level-4 description Predefined level-4 role # role name level-5 description Predefined level-5 role # role name level-6 description Predefined level-6 role # role name level-7 description Predefined level-7 role # role name level-8 description Predefined level-8 role # role name level-9 description Predefined level-9 role # role name level-10 description Predefined level-10 role # role name level-11 description Predefined level-11 role # role name level-12 description Predefined level-12 role # role name level-13 description Predefined level-13 role # role name level-14 description Predefined level-14 role # user-group system # local-user admin class manage password hash $h$6$k8uY0ihoh82PynE4$IK+t92D/Om8foypgRpNICwsYtmvm4alS711VR3cK/06FlZK/GX+j+ab7dbkkQFrvONZJtX5kwnTkZYHBCGyozw== service-type telnet terminal authorization-attribute user-role network-admin undo password-control complexity user-name check # local-user admilass manage authorization-attribute user-role network-operator # local-user chery class manage password hash $h$6$2CgCNl4HbvLuCu8o$yaKJ6Ag5BKSzwhY/jotySx38oJkh9AJ6grW7vZj/pKlz3KdeJ/DjQvYhJO6Tl9LP6VH9VtkT9aKqj5RZZn035w== service-type telnet ssh terminal authorization-attribute user-role network-operator undo password-control complexity user-name check # ftp server enable # return

菜鸟侠客1 发表时间:2024-05-14


越ping越开心 发表时间:2024-05-14


菜鸟侠客1 发表时间:2024-05-14

%@42787%May 13 18:54:05:207 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user xujin (IP: disconnected from the server. %@42788%May 13 18:54:25:078 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/25 (IfIndex 88), neighbor's chassis ID is 18c0-09ac-0404, port ID is GigabitEthernet2/0/17. %@42789%May 13 19:20:54:419 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=ac74-0928-e518, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=59, StageCnt=56897, TotalCnt=142582492, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42790%May 13 19:41:15:961 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42791%May 13 19:41:17:445 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42792%May 13 19:41:18:635 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42793%May 13 19:41:20:312 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42794%May 13 19:41:20:771 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42795%May 13 19:41:20:810 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42796%May 13 19:41:20:868 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42797%May 13 19:41:20:870 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42798%May 13 19:41:20:886 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42799%May 13 19:41:20:989 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42800%May 13 19:41:21:288 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42801%May 13 19:41:23:369 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42802%May 13 20:22:37:916 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=ac74-0928-e498, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=47, StageCnt=28433, TotalCnt=142610925, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42803%May 13 21:15:06:622 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42804%May 13 21:15:06:633 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42805%May 13 21:15:06:669 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42806%May 13 21:15:06:716 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42807%May 13 21:15:06:720 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42808%May 13 21:15:06:808 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42809%May 13 21:15:06:838 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42810%May 13 21:15:06:839 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42811%May 13 21:16:38:614 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42812%May 13 21:16:53:077 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42813%May 13 21:35:34:128 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=74d6-cb98-da7d, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=19, StageCnt=23639, TotalCnt=142634564, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42814%May 13 22:36:07:481 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=bcd0-ebac-d3a5, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=30843, TotalCnt=142665407, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42815%May 13 22:51:10:259 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42816%May 13 22:51:11:555 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42817%May 13 22:51:12:887 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42818%May 13 22:51:14:537 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42819%May 13 22:51:15:099 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42820%May 13 22:51:15:302 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42821%May 13 22:51:15:354 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42822%May 13 22:51:15:427 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42823%May 13 22:51:15:535 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42824%May 13 22:51:15:536 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42825%May 13 22:51:15:685 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42826%May 13 22:51:18:030 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42827%May 13 23:42:05:657 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=9429-2fbb-7ef4, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=34615, TotalCnt=142700022, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42828%May 14 00:43:05:218 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=70ba-eff4-367e, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=47, StageCnt=24917, TotalCnt=142724939, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42829%May 14 01:13:33:048 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42830%May 14 01:13:33:067 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42831%May 14 01:13:33:072 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42832%May 14 01:13:33:093 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42833%May 14 01:13:33:216 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42834%May 14 01:13:33:219 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42835%May 14 01:13:33:258 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42836%May 14 01:13:33:264 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42837%May 14 01:15:30:605 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42838%May 14 01:15:32:077 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42839%May 14 01:18:29:856 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42840%May 14 01:18:30:964 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42841%May 14 01:18:32:356 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42842%May 14 01:18:33:940 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42843%May 14 01:18:34:539 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42844%May 14 01:18:34:563 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42845%May 14 01:18:34:619 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42846%May 14 01:18:34:621 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42847%May 14 01:18:34:640 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42848%May 14 01:18:34:859 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42849%May 14 01:18:35:091 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42850%May 14 01:18:37:066 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42851%May 14 01:44:43:106 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=1484-770e-d563, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=55, StageCnt=22166, TotalCnt=142747105, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42852%May 14 03:02:02:265 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=58c7-acef-4f9b, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=23, StageCnt=14725, TotalCnt=142761830, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42853%May 14 04:03:49:059 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=7c7a-3ca5-a701, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=61379, TotalCnt=142823209, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42854%May 14 04:48:49:815 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42855%May 14 04:48:49:855 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42856%May 14 04:48:49:866 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42857%May 14 04:48:49:893 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42858%May 14 04:48:49:979 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42859%May 14 04:48:49:981 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42860%May 14 04:48:50:018 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42861%May 14 04:48:50:019 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42862%May 14 04:50:29:077 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42863%May 14 04:50:49:606 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42864%May 14 05:04:29:287 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=bcd0-ebac-cb35, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=94789, TotalCnt=142917998, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42865%May 14 06:06:02:516 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=bcd0-ebac-a1a5, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=74407, TotalCnt=142992405, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42866%May 14 07:17:21:066 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=58c7-acef-21e3, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=98073, TotalCnt=143090478, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42867%May 14 07:38:38:505 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42868%May 14 07:38:39:813 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42869%May 14 07:38:41:253 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42870%May 14 07:38:42:954 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42871%May 14 07:38:43:404 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42872%May 14 07:38:43:445 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42873%May 14 07:38:43:502 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42874%May 14 07:38:43:507 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42875%May 14 07:38:43:509 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42876%May 14 07:38:43:528 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42877%May 14 07:38:43:674 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42878%May 14 07:38:45:776 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42879%May 14 08:36:11:281 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=74d6-cb98-da7d, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=10734, TotalCnt=143101212, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42880%May 14 08:54:36:620 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42881%May 14 08:54:36:640 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42882%May 14 08:54:36:648 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42883%May 14 08:54:36:694 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42884%May 14 08:54:36:696 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42885%May 14 08:54:36:787 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42886%May 14 08:54:36:837 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42887%May 14 08:54:36:838 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42888%May 14 08:56:20:087 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42889%May 14 08:56:28:606 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42890%May 14 09:19:03:258 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42891%May 14 09:19:04:450 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42892%May 14 09:19:05:777 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42893%May 14 09:19:07:450 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42894%May 14 09:19:08:057 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42895%May 14 09:19:08:080 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42896%May 14 09:19:08:148 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42897%May 14 09:19:08:251 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42898%May 14 09:19:08:324 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42899%May 14 09:19:08:328 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42900%May 14 09:19:08:346 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42901%May 14 09:19:10:370 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42902%May 14 09:51:34:952 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=8061-6cae-cb0f, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=49, StageCnt=3030, TotalCnt=143104242, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42903%May 14 10:38:13:325 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42904%May 14 10:38:13:351 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42905%May 14 10:38:13:359 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42906%May 14 10:38:13:360 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42907%May 14 10:38:13:405 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42908%May 14 10:38:13:406 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42909%May 14 10:38:13:550 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42910%May 14 10:38:13:551 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42911%May 14 10:39:51:078 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42912%May 14 10:39:52:606 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42913%May 14 10:53:25:367 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=bcd0-ebac-cc25, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=40585, TotalCnt=143144827, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42914%May 14 11:56:37:015 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=74d6-cb98-da7d, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=63, StageCnt=31699, TotalCnt=143176526, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42915%May 14 12:02:04:380 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42916%May 14 12:02:05:700 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42917%May 14 12:02:07:106 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42918%May 14 12:02:08:752 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42919%May 14 12:02:09:244 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42920%May 14 12:02:09:256 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_OPERSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the peer port did not have the Synchronization flag. %@42921%May 14 12:02:09:274 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42922%May 14 12:02:09:356 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42923%May 14 12:02:09:412 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42924%May 14 12:02:09:414 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42925%May 14 12:02:09:437 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42926%May 14 12:02:09:593 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42927%May 14 12:02:11:788 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42928%May 14 12:13:32:059 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42929%May 14 12:13:32:087 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42930%May 14 12:13:32:114 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42931%May 14 12:13:32:116 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42932%May 14 12:13:32:223 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42933%May 14 12:13:32:226 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42934%May 14 12:13:32:474 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42935%May 14 12:13:32:475 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42936%May 14 12:15:24:606 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42937%May 14 12:15:30:078 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42938%May 14 12:49:20:608 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42939%May 14 12:49:21:903 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42940%May 14 12:49:23:253 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42941%May 14 12:49:24:891 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent neighbor created on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42942%May 14 12:49:25:322 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42943%May 14 12:49:25:347 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to up. %@42944%May 14 12:49:25:399 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42945%May 14 12:49:25:401 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to up. %@42946%May 14 12:49:25:427 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 detected a topology change. %@42947%May 14 12:49:25:617 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the active state. %@42948%May 14 12:49:25:919 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to up. %@42949%May 14 12:49:27:970 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation8 was notified a topology change. %@42950%May 14 13:00:45:877 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=9429-2fbb-7ef4, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=61, StageCnt=34253, TotalCnt=143210779, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42951%May 14 13:24:48:584 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE1/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42952%May 14 13:24:48:609 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_PHYSTATE: Member port GE2/0/7 of aggregation group BAGG8 changed to the inactive state, because the physical or line protocol state of the port was down. %@42953%May 14 13:24:48:751 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42954%May 14 13:24:48:768 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet2/0/7 changed to down. %@42955%May 14 13:24:48:860 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42956%May 14 13:24:48:864 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 changed to down. %@42957%May 14 13:24:48:892 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42958%May 14 13:24:48:893 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Bridge-Aggregation8 changed to down. %@42959%May 14 13:26:23:078 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: -Slot=2; Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet2/0/7 (IfIndex 70), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/51. %@42960%May 14 13:26:40:606 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 LLDP/5/LLDP_NEIGHBOR_AGE_OUT: Nearest bridge agent neighbor aged out on port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 (IfIndex 7), neighbor's chassis ID is bcd0-eb9a-6860, port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/52. %@42961%May 14 15:05:54:756 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=38ad-be87-45f2, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=47, StageCnt=7634, TotalCnt=143218413, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42962%May 14 16:10:39:068 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=6c87-2051-8b01, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=31, StageCnt=17175, TotalCnt=143235588, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42963%May 14 17:14:30:677 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_AUTH_SUCCESS: SSH user yuanfengxiang from port 51955 passed password authentication. %@42964%May 14 17:14:30:876 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user yuanfengxiang (IP: connected to the server successfully. %@42965%May 14 17:14:32:436 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: yuanfengxiang logged in from %@42966%May 14 17:14:33:991 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display current-configuration %@42967%May 14 17:15:20:485 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display logbuffer reverse %@42968%May 14 17:16:28:870 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display lldp neighbor-information list %@42969%May 14 17:16:45:894 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display interface Bri %@42970%May 14 17:16:48:693 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display interface brief %@42971%May 14 17:18:09:539 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display current-configuration %@42972%May 14 17:18:14:785 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display stp history %@42973%May 14 17:20:49:677 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 DRVPLAT/4/SOFTCAR DROP: PktType=ARP, SrcMAC=04a9-59ad-ec03, Dropped from interface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25 at Stage=55, StageCnt=35689, TotalCnt=143271277, MaxRateInterface=Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/25. %@42974%May 14 17:23:36:448 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: yuanfengxiang logged out from %@42975%May 14 17:23:36:656 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: User yuanfengxiang logged out from port 51955. %@42976%May 14 17:23:36:656 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user yuanfengxiang (IP: disconnected from the server. %@42977%May 14 17:23:57:496 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_AUTH_PWD_FAIL: Authentication failed for user yuanfengxiang from port 52926 because of invalid username or wrong password. %@42978%May 14 17:23:58:015 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_AUTH_PWD_FAIL: Authentication failed for user yuanfengxiang from port 52926 because of invalid username or wrong password. %@42979%May 14 17:24:06:602 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_AUTH_SUCCESS: SSH user yuanfengxiang from port 52926 passed password authentication. %@42980%May 14 17:24:06:782 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user yuanfengxiang (IP: connected to the server successfully. %@42981%May 14 17:24:08:273 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: yuanfengxiang logged in from %@42982%May 14 17:24:21:571 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display link-aggregation verbose Bridge-Aggregation 8 %@42983%May 14 17:24:32:559 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display current-configuration %@42984%May 14 17:25:32:820 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_AUTH_SUCCESS: SSH user xujin from port 9808 passed password authentication. %@42985%May 14 17:25:32:948 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user xujin (IP: connected to the server successfully. %@42986%May 14 17:25:34:604 2024 2Z-GYHLW-HJ-24.41 SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: xujin logged in from

菜鸟侠客1 发表时间:2024-05-14


越ping越开心 发表时间:2024-05-14
nianan 二段
粉丝:0人 关注:0人



菜鸟侠客1 发表时间:2024-05-14


nianan 发表时间:2024-06-19
粉丝:207人 关注:1人


粉丝:52人 关注:1人


这个日志提示 line protocol state of the port was down.

检查两端的聚合配置是否一致,这是因为聚合协议导致的down ,















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