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S8500 STP技术说明

2006-08-07 发表
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S8500交换机  STP技术说明


    通过在交换机之间传递一种特殊的协议报文——BPDU(在IEEE 802.1D中这种协议报文被称为配置消息)来确定网络的拓扑结构。配置消息中包含了足够的信息来保证交换机完成生成树计算。(注:此BPDU被称为配置BPDU,另外STP还有TCN BPDU。)











启动了STP的交换机互相之间通过发送配置BPDU来完成根桥,指定桥的选举,各端口状态的选择和整个网络拓扑结构的确定。比较的关键部分在于这八个字段中的前四个字段,即:根桥ID、路径开销、指定桥ID和指定端口的ID。其实还有一个接收端口的ID,用于本地比较(当交换机的2个端口都收到相同的BPDU——比如上连一个stp disable的交换机或hub)。比较的原则:从上到下、从左到右数值小者优先。




使用MSTP使组网图中不同VLAN的报文按照不同的生成树转发。具体配置为:网络中所有交换机属于同一个MST域,VLAN 10的报文沿着实例1转发,VLAN 30沿着实例3转发,VLAN 40沿着实例4转发,VLAN 20沿着实例0转发。组网图中,Switch ASwitch B为汇聚层设备,Switch CSwitch D为接入层设备。VLAN 10VLAN 30在汇聚层设备终结,VLAN 40在接入层设备终结,因此可以配置实例1和实例3的树根分别为Switch ASwitch B,实例4的树根为Switch C




配置Switch A


<Quidway> system-view

[Quidway] stp region-configuration

[Quidway-mst-region] region-name example

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 10

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 3 vlan 30

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 4 vlan 40

[Quidway-mst-region] revision-level 0

# 手工激活MST域的配置。

[Quidway-mst-region] active region-configuration

# 定义Switch A为实例1的树根

[Quidway] stp instance 1 root primary

配置Switch B


[Quidway] stp region-configuration

[Quidway-mst-region] region-name example

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 10

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 3 vlan 30

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 4 vlan 40

[Quidway-mst-region] revision-level 0

# 手工激活MST域的配置。

[Quidway-mst-region] active region-configuration

# 定义Switch B为实例3的树根

[Quidway] stp instance 3 root primary

配置Switch C


[Quidway] stp region-configuration

[Quidway-mst-region] region-name example

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 10

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 3 vlan 30

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 4 vlan 40

[Quidway-mst-region] revision-level 0

# 手工激活MST域的配置。

[Quidway-mst-region] active region-configuration

# 定义Switch C为实例4的树根

[Quidway] stp instance 4 root primary

配置Switch D


[Quidway] stp region-configuration

[Quidway-mst-region] region-name example

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 10

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 3 vlan 30

[Quidway-mst-region] instance 4 vlan 40

[Quidway-mst-region] revision-level 0

# 手工激活MST域的配置。

[Quidway-mst-region] active region-configuration


[SA]dis stp brief                                                               

 MSTID     Port                     Role  STP State       Protection           

   0       Ethernet4/1/1            DESI  FORWARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet4/1/17           ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet4/1/33           ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE   

[SA]dis stp instance 1                                                         

-------[MSTI 1 Global Info]-------                                              

MSTI Bridge ID      :0.00e0-fc36-45b1                                          

MSTI RegRoot/IRPC   :0.00e0-fc36-45b1 / 0                                      

MSTI RootPortId     :0.0                                                       

MSTI Root Type      :PRIMARY root                                              

Master Bridge       :32768.00e0-fc00-0001                                      

Cost to Master      :200                                                       

TC received         :0 

[SA] dis stp int e4/1/1                                                         



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc36-45b1 / 128.209                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                    

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :6445                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 6445                                 

 BPDU Received       :2                                                         

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2  

[SA]dis stp int e4/1/17                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Root Port                                           

 Port Priority       :128                                                       

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.173                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                  

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                      

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :8                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 8                                    

 BPDU Received       :9334                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 9334                                 

[SA]dis stp int e4/1/33                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Alternate Port                                       

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc24-02a8 / 128.81                             

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                      

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :8                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 8                                    

 BPDU Received       :8964                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 8964 

[SA]dis stp region-configuration                                                

 Oper configuration                                                            

   Format selector    :0                                                       

   Region name        :example                                                  

   Revision level     :0                                                       


   Instance   Vlans Mapped                                                     

      0       1, 20                                                            

      1       10                                                               

      3       30   

[SA]dis stp tc all                                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet4/1/1              0                                             

 Port Ethernet4/1/17             5                                             

 Port Ethernet4/1/33             3                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet4/1/1              1                                             

 Port Ethernet4/1/17             1                                              

 Port Ethernet4/1/33             0                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 Port Ethernet4/1/1              5                                              

 Port Ethernet4/1/17             2                                             

 Port Ethernet4/1/33             0                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn sent count ----------  

[SB]dis stp brief                                                              

 MSTID     Port                     Role  STP State       Protection           

   0       Ethernet3/1/1            DESI  FORWARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet3/1/17           DESI  FORWARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet3/1/33           DESI  FORWARDING      NONE  

[SB]dis stp ins 3                                                              

-------[MSTI 3 Global Info]-------                                             

MSTI Bridge ID      :0.00e0-fc00-0001                                           

MSTI RegRoot/IRPC   :0.00e0-fc00-0001 / 0                                      

MSTI RootPortId     :0.0                                                       

MSTI Root Type      :PRIMARY root                                              

Master Bridge       :32768.00e0-fc00-0001                                      

Cost to Master      :0                                                         

TC received         :0        

[SB]dis stp int e3/1/1                                                          



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.157                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                  

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :10513                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10513                                

 BPDU Received       :2                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2                                     

[SB]dis stp int e3/1/17                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.173                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                    

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :10565                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10565                                

 BPDU Received       :2                                                         

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2 

[SB]dis stp int e3/1/33                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                       

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.189                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                  

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                      

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :10600                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10600                                

 BPDU Received       :2                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2 

[SB]dis stp region-configuration                                               

 Oper configuration                                                             

   Format selector    :0                                                       

   Region name        :example                                                 

   Revision level     :0                                                        


   Instance   Vlans Mapped                                                     

      0       1            

[SB]dis stp tc all                                                              

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet3/1/1              0                                             

 Port Ethernet3/1/17             0                                              

 Port Ethernet3/1/33             0                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet3/1/1              1                                             

 Port Ethernet3/1/17             1                                             

 Port Ethernet3/1/33             1                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 Port Ethernet3/1/1              2                                              

 Port Ethernet3/1/17             2                                             

 Port Ethernet3/1/33             2                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn sent count ----------   

[SD]dis stp brief                                                              

 MSTID     Port                     Role  STP State       Protection           

   0       Ethernet6/1/1            ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet6/1/17           ALTE  DISCARDING      NONE                 

   0       Ethernet6/1/33           ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE      

[SD]dis stp int e6/1/1                                                         



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Alternate Port                                      

 Port Priority       :128                                                       

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc36-45b1 / 128.209                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                  

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :7                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 7                                    

 BPDU Received       :10862                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10862                                

[SD]dis stp int e6/1/17                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Alternate Port                                       

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc24-02a8 / 128.65                             

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                      

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :7                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 7                                    

 BPDU Received       :10404                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10404                                

[SD]dis stp int e6/1/33                                                         



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                   

 Port Role           :CIST Root Port                                           

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)    :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                 

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.189                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                 

 Transmission Limit  :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :7                                                        

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 7                                    

 BPDU Received       :10852                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10852  

[SD]dis stp region-configuration                                               

 Oper configuration                                                            

   Format selector    :0                                                        

   Region name        :example                                                 

   Revision level     :0                                                       


   Instance   Vlans Mapped                                                     

      0       1 

[SD]dis stp tc all                                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet6/1/1              7                                             

 Port Ethernet6/1/17             7                                             

 Port Ethernet6/1/33             9                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn received count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 Port Ethernet6/1/1              1                                             

 Port Ethernet6/1/17             0                                             

 Port Ethernet6/1/33             2                                              

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn detected count ----------                 

 ---------- Stp Instance 0 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 Port Ethernet6/1/1              1                                             

 Port Ethernet6/1/17             0                                              

 Port Ethernet6/1/33             1                                             

 ---------- Stp Instance 1 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 3 tc or tcn sent count ----------                     

 ---------- Stp Instance 4 tc or tcn sent count ----------      

[SC]dis stp brief                                                              

 MSTID      Port                  Role  STP State     Protection               

   0        Ethernet1/0/1         ROOT  FORWARDING      NONE                   

   0        Ethernet1/0/17        DESI  FORWARDING      NONE                   

   0        Ethernet1/0/33        DESI  FORWARDING      NONE   

[SC]dis stp ins 4                                                               

-------[MSTI 4 Global Info]-------                                             

MSTI Bridge ID      :0.00e0-fc24-02a8                                          

MSTI RegRoot/IRPC   :0.00e0-fc24-02a8 / 0                                       

MSTI RootPortId     :0.0                                                       

MSTI Root Type      :PRIMARY root                                              

Master Bridge       :32768.00e0-fc00-0001                                      

Cost to Master      :200                                                       

TC received         :0  

[SC]dis stp int e1/0/1                                                         



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Root Port                                           

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)   :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                 

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc00-0001 / 128.157                           

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transit Limit       :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                      

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                         

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :129                                                      

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 129                                   

 BPDU Received       :11207                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 11207                                

[SC]dis stp int e1/0/17                                                         



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                   

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)   :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                 

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc24-02a8 / 128.65                            

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transit Limit       :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                     

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                  

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                        

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :10630                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10630                                

 BPDU Received       :3517                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 3517                                  

[SC]dis stp int e1/0/33                                                        



 Port Protocol       :enabled                                                  

 Port Role           :CIST Designated Port                                     

 Port Priority       :128                                                      

 Port Cost(Legacy)   :COnfig=auto / Active=200                                 

 Desg. Bridge/Port   :32768.00e0-fc24-02a8 / 128.81                            

 Port Edged(Admin)   :disabled                                                 

 Point-to-point      :COnfig=auto / Active=true                                

 Transit Limit       :3 packets/hello-time                                     

 Protection Type     :None                                                      

 Port Config                                                                   

 Digest Snooping     :disabled                                                 

 Num of Vlans Mapped :1                                                         

 PortTimes           :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0                   

 BPDU Sent           :10589                                                    

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 10589                                 

 BPDU Received       :7350                                                     

          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 7350

[SC]dis stp region-configuration                                               

 Oper configuration                                                             

   Format selector    :0                                                       

   Region name        :example                                                 

   Revision level     :0                                                        


   Instance   Vlans Mapped                                                     

      0       1 to 9, 11 to 29, 31 to 39, 41 to 4094                            

      1       10                                                               

      3       30                                                               

      4       40 



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  • 1. 您认为哪些内容泄露了您的隐私?(请在邮件中列出您举报的内容、链接地址,并给出简短的说明)
  • 2. 您是谁?(身份证明材料,可以是身份证或护照等证件)



您好,当您发现根叔知了上有关于您企业的造谣与诽谤、商业侵权等内容时,您可以向根叔知了进行举报。 请您把以下内容通过邮件发送到 pub.zhiliao@h3c.com 邮箱,我们会在审核后尽快给您答复。
  • 1. 您举报的内容是什么?(请在邮件中列出您举报的内容和链接地址)
  • 2. 您是谁?(身份证明材料,可以是身份证或护照等证件)
  • 3. 是哪家企业?(营业执照,单位登记证明等证件)
  • 4. 您与该企业的关系是?(您是企业法人或被授权人,需提供企业委托授权书)






您好,当您发现根叔知了上有诽谤您的内容时,您可以向根叔知了进行举报。 请您把以下内容通过邮件发送到pub.zhiliao@h3c.com 邮箱,我们会尽快处理。
  • 1. 您举报的内容以及侵犯了您什么权益?(请在邮件中列出您举报的内容、链接地址,并给出简短的说明)
  • 2. 您是谁?(身份证明材料,可以是身份证或护照等证件)



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