reset saved-configuration,然后再敲个Y,然后直接断电重启
MemberID Slot Role Priority CPU-Mac Description
*+1 0 Master 1 00e0-fc0f-8c01 DeviceA
1 3 Standby 1 00e0-fc0f-8c02 DeviceA
2 0 Standby 1 00e0-fc0f-15e1 DeviceB
2 3 Standby 1 00e0-fc0f-15e2 DeviceB
* indicates the device is the master.
+ indicates the device through which the user logs in.
The Bridge MAC of the IRF is: 0000-fc00-313e
Auto upgrade : no
Mac persistent : always
Domain ID : 1
Auto merge : no
[IRF] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/3/1/1
[IRF-Ten-Gigabitethernet1/3/1/1] shutdown
[IRF-Ten-Gigabitethernet1/3/1/1] quit
[IRF] irf-port 1/2
[IRF-irf-port1/2] undo port group interface ten-gigabitethernet1/3/1/1
[IRF-irf-port1/2] quit
(4) 将Device A的运行模式切换到独立运行模式。
[IRF] undo chassis convert mode
The device will switch to stand-alone mode and reboot. Continue?[Y/N]:
Before pressing ENTER you must choose 'YES' or 'NO'[Y/N]:y
You are recommended to save the current running configuration and specify the co
nfiguration file for the next startup. Now save the running configuration to the
next-startup configuration file? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)[cfa0:/startup.cfg]
(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):
cfa0:/startup.cfg exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y
Validating file. Please wait...
Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.
Do you want to convert the content of the next startup configuration file cfa0:/
startup.cfg to make it available in stand-alone mode? [Y/N]:y
Now rebooting, please wait...
Device A自动重启来完成模式的切换。
[IRF] interface ten-gigabitethernet 2/3/1/1
[IRF-Ten-Gigabitethernet2/3/1/1] shutdown
[IRF-Ten-Gigabitethernet2/3/1/1] quit
[IRF] irf-port 2/1
[IRF-irf-port2/1] undo port group interface ten-gigabitethernet2/3/1/1
[IRF-irf-port2/1] quit
(6) 将Device B的运行模式切换到独立运行模式。
[IRF] undo chassis convert mode
The device will switch to stand-alone mode and reboot. Continue?[Y/N]:
Before pressing ENTER you must choose 'YES' or 'NO'[Y/N]:y
You are recommended to save the current running configuration and specify the co
nfiguration file for the next startup. Now save the running configuration to the
next-startup configuration file? [Y/N]:y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)[cfa0:/startup.cfg]
(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):
cfa0:/startup.cfg exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y
Validating file. Please wait...
Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.
Do you want to convert the content of the next startup configuration file cfa0:/
startup.cfg to make it available in stand-alone mode? [Y/N]:y
Now rebooting, please wait...
Device B自动重启来完成模式的切换。
如果IRF上创建了VLAN接口、配置了IP地址,并且Device A和Device B上都存在该VLAN的成员端口(即配置了端口加入VLAN)。此时,Device A和Device B恢复到独立运行模式后,会产生IP地址冲突,请登录其中一台设备,修改该VLAN接口的IP地址。