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[H3C]stp mode pvst


zhiliao_RmyTN3 发表时间:2022-12-28 更多>>


zhiliao_RmyTN3 发表时间:2022-12-28


zhiliao_RmyTN3 发表时间:2022-12-28
粉丝:237人 关注:8人

 MSTP/PVST 对接操作指导
2.1 与思科设备对接操作指导
2.1.1 互通性分析
H3C 支持的 STP/RSTP/MSTP 均是 IEEE 标准组织制定的标准协议。Cisco 支持的生成树协议中,
MSTP 为标准协议,Rapid-Pvst 为 Cisco 私有协议。
如表 4 所示,H3C 和 Cisco 生成树协议的互通性情况如下:
•H3C 的 MSTP 与 Cisco 的 MSTP 可以完全互通
为了实现互通,在保证相连的 H3C 交换机域配置和 Cisco 交换机域配置完全一致的前提下,
还需要在 H3C 设备上通过 stp config-digest-snooping 命令,在每一个和 Cisco 交换机相连的
另外,H3C 设备的 Comware V5 MSTP 默认 BPDU 封装格式为 legacy,Comware V7 MSTP
默认 BPDU 封装格式为 802.1s。在 Cisco 设备上需要通过 spanning-tree mst pre-standard
(legacy)或 no spanning-tree mst pre-standard(802.1s)命令,将 MSTP BPDU 封装格式
修改为 legacy 或 802.1s,使得 H3C 设备和 Cisco 设备的 MSTP BPDU 封装格式一致。
•H3C 的 MSTP 与 Cisco 的 Rapid-Pvst 可以在一定程度上完成互通
如果 H3C 设备采用 Access 端口对接,H3C 设备会将 Cisco 设备当作一个支持 IEEE802.1D
的设备,正常进行生成树计算。如果 H3C 设备采用 Trunk 接口对接,标准的 STP 设备可以与
Rapid-Pvst 设备的 VLAN 1 互通;但在其他 VLAN 上,标准 STP 设备无法识别 Rapid-Pvst
报文,要求物理环路必须在标准 STP 设备上来阻断,也就是说 Blocking 端口必须在标准 STP
设备(H3C)上而不是 Rapid-Pvst 设备(Cisco)上,否则就可能导致 VLAN 1 以外的其他
VLAN 出现广播风暴。
表4 MSTP/PVST 互通性分析

2.1.2 组网需求
如图 7 所示,H3C 设备与 Cisco 设备通过两条链路相互连接。现要求在 H3C 设备和 Cisco 设备上
分别配置 MSTP,实现 MSTP 互通。
图7 MSTP 对接配置组网图

2.1.3 配置步骤
•配置 H3C 设备
# 创建 VLAN 接口 2,并为该接口配置 IP 地址和子网掩码。
<H3C> system-view
[H3C] vlan 2
[H3C-vlan2] quit
[H3C] interface Vlan-interface 2
[H3C-Vlan-interface2] ip address
# 在端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 上开启摘要侦听功能。
[H3C] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] stp config-digest-snooping
# 配置端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 为 Trunk 端口,允许 VLAN2 通过。
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 2
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
# 在端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/2 上开启摘要侦听功能。
[H3C] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] stp config-digest-snooping
# 配置端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/2 为 Trunk 端口,允许 VLAN2 通过。
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type trunk
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 2
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit
# 全局开启摘要侦听功能。
[H3C] stp global config-digest-snooping
# 全局开启生成树协议。
[H3C] stp global enable
•配置 Cisco 设备
# 如下配置以 Cisco Nexus9000 C9236C 为例进行介绍,设备具体信息如下:
Cisco# show version
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (C) 2002-2017, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under their own
licenses, such as open source. This software is provided "as is," and unless
otherwise stated, there is no warranty, express or implied, including but not
limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 or
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.0.
A copy of each such license is available at
***.***/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and
***.***/licenses/gpl-3.0.html and
***.***/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php andhttp://***.***/licenses/old-licenses/library.txt.
BIOS: version 07.56
NXOS: version 7.0(3)I4(6)
BIOS compile time: 06/08/2016
NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I4.6.bin
NXOS compile time: 3/9/2017 22:00:00 [03/10/2017 07:05:18]
cisco Nexus9000 C9236C chassis
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 1.80GHz with 16400984 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID FDO20511FC7
Device name: switch
bootflash: 53298520 kB
Kernel uptime is 17 day(s), 20 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 30 second(s)
Last reset
Reason: Unknown
System version: 7.0(3)I4(6)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
Active Package(s):
# 进入 VLAN2 的配置模式,并配置 IP 地址。
Cisco# configure terminal
Cisco(config)# interface vlan 2
Cisco(config-if)#ip address
# 配置接口 Ethernet1/11 为 Trunk 口,并指定为 VLAN2 的成员端口。
Cisco(config)# interface Ethernet 1/11
Cisco(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Cisco(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
Cisco(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 2
Cisco(config-if)# exit
# 配置接口 Ethernet1/13 为 Trunk 口,并指定为 VLAN2 的成员端口。
Cisco(config-if)# interface Ethernet 1/13
Cisco(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Cisco(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
Cisco(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 2
Cisco(config-if)# end
2.1.4 验证配置
# 在 H3C 设备上验证生成树状态和统计的简要信息。
[H3C] display stp brief
MST ID Port Role TP State Protection
0 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE
0 GigabitEthernet1/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE
92# 在 H3C 设备上验证在 MSTP 模式下,显示 MSTI0 在端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/2 上生成树状态和
[H3C] display stp instance 0 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------
Bridge ID : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6
Bridge times : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MaxHops 20
Root ID/ERPC : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 0
RegRoot ID/IRPC : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 0
RootPort ID : 0.0
BPDU-Protection : Disabled
Bridge Config
Digest-Snooping : Enabled
TC or TCN received : 2
Time since last TC : 0 days 0h:34m:14s
Port protocol : Enabled
Port role : Designated Port
Port ID : 128.391
Port cost(Legacy) : COnfig=auto, Active=1
Desg.bridge/port : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 128.391
Port edged : COnfig=disabled, Active=disabled
Point-to-Point : COnfig=auto, Active=true
Transmit limit : 10 packets/hello-time
TC-Restriction : Disabled
Role-Restriction : Disabled
Protection type : COnfig=none, Active=none
MST BPDU format : COnfig=auto, Active=802.1s
Port Config
Digest-Snooping : Enabled
Rapid transition : False
Num of VLANs mapped : 2
Port times : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MsgAge 0s RemHops 20
BPDU sent : 1784
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 1784
BPDU received : 0
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 0
# 在 H3C 设备上验证在 MSTP 模式下,显示 MSTI0 在端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 上生成树状态和
[H3C] display stp instance 0 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------
Bridge ID : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6
Bridge times : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MaxHops 20
Root ID/ERPC : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 0
RegRoot ID/IRPC : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 0
RootPort ID : 0.0
BPDU-Protection : Disabled
Bridge Config-
Digest-Snooping : Enabled
TC or TCN received : 2
Time since last TC : 0 days 0h:34m:21s
Port protocol : Enabled
Port role : Designated Port (Boundary)
Port ID : 128.381
Port cost(Legacy) : COnfig=auto, Active=1
Desg.bridge/port : 32768.1cab-3496-09f6, 128.381
Port edged : COnfig=disabled, Active=disabled
Point-to-Point : COnfig=auto, Active=true
Transmit limit : 10 packets/hello-time
TC-Restriction : Disabled
Role-Restriction : Disabled
Protection type : COnfig=none, Active=none
MST BPDU format : COnfig=auto, Active=802.1s
Port Config
Digest-Snooping : Enabled
Rapid transition : False
Num of VLANs mapped : 2
Port times : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MsgAge 0s RemHops 20
BPDU sent : 1787
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 1787
BPDU received : 2
TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 2, MST: 0

粉丝:167人 关注:1人




本案例使用S12508与思科2960对接PVST的典型组网配置案例, S12508-1为主根,同时也部署了VRRP,其中S12508-1为VRRP的master,S12508-2为VRRP的backup,为了进一步防止物理环路,因此在S12508与思科2960部署PVST。


H3C Comware Platform Software

Comware Software, Version 5.20, Release 1828P05

Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

H3C S12508 uptime is 57 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes

Last reboot reason : User reboot


sh version

Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(50)SE5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport

Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Tue 28-Sep-10 13:44 by prod_rel_team

Image text-base: 0x00003000,> 

ROM: Bootstrap program is C2960 boot loader

BOOTLDR: C2960 Boot Loader (C2960-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(44)SE5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)


anquanpingtai-ha-v4-1 uptime is 2 years, 38 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes

System returned to ROM by power-on

System restarted at 23:25:04 UTC Wed Jul 19 2017

System image file is "flash:c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE5/c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE5.bin"



This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United

States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and

use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply

third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.

Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for

compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you

agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable

to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.


A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:



If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to



cisco WS-C2960G-48TC-L (PowerPC405) processor (revision H0) with 65536K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID FOC1520W692

Last reset from power-on

6 Virtual Ethernet interfaces

48 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.


64K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.

Base ethernet MAC Address       : 20:37:06:04:0C:00

Motherboard assembly number     : 73-10300-12

Power supply part number        : 341-0098-02

Motherboard serial number       : FOC15200C86

Power supply serial number      : DCA151090Q4

Model revision number           : H0

Motherboard revision number     : A0

Model number                    : WS-C2960G-48TC-L

System serial number            : FOC1520W692

Top Assembly Part Number        : 800-27071-06

Top Assembly Revision Number    : D0

Version ID                      : V06

CLEI Code Number                : COMB800BRA

Hardware Board Revision Number  : 0x01



Switch Ports Model              SW Version            SW Image                 

------ ----- -----              ----------            ----------               

*    1 48    WS-C2960G-48TC-L   12.2(50)SE5           C2960-LANBASEK9-M        



Configuration register is 0xF






Global LLDP local-information:

  Chassis ID         : 7425-8ade-a600

  System name        : Internet_S12508A

  System description : H3C Comware software. H3C S12508 Product Version S12500-CMW520-R1828P05. Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

  System capabilities supported : Bridge,Router

  System capabilities enabled   : Bridge,Router



Global LLDP local-information:

  Chassis ID         : 70f9-6df4-8a00

  System name        : Internet_S12508B

  System description : H3C Comware software. H3C S12508 Product Version S12500-CMW520-R1828P05. Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

  System capabilities supported : Bridge,Router

  System capabilities enabled   : Bridge,Router




stp mode pvst

 stp pathcost-standard dot1d-1998

 stp vlan 1 4 13 16 19 28 37 64 to 65 72 110 to 112 root primary

 stp vlan 120 to 121 131 140 to 141 150 to 151 160 to 161 170 to 171 180 to 181 190 to 191 200 to 201 210 to 211 root primary

 stp vlan 220 to 221 311 to 316 330 to 331 400 411 to 422 root primary

 stp enable




stp mode pvst

 stp instance 0 root secondary

 stp pathcost-standard dot1d-1998

 stp vlan 120 to 121 140 to 141 150 to 151 160 to 161 170 to 171 180 to 181 190 to 191 200 to 201 210 to 211 220 to 221 root secondary

 stp vlan 311 to 316 330 to 331 411 to 422 root secondary

 stp enable




spanning-tree mode pvst



dis stp root

 VLAN  Root Bridge ID        ExtPathCost IntPathCost Root Port

    1  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

    4  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

   28  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

   37  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

   64  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

   65  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

   72  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  110  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  111  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  112  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  120  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  121  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  131  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  140  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  141  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  150  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  151  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  160  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  161  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  170  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  171  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  180  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  181  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  190  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  191  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  200  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  201  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  210  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  211  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  220  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  221  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  311  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  312  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  313  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  314  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  315  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  316  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  330  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  331  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  400  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  411  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  412  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  413  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  414  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  415  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  416  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  417  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  418  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  419  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  420  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  421  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  422  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           0

  555  32768.7425-8ade-a600  0           0

  901  32768.7425-8ade-a600  0           0

  902  32768.7425-8ade-a600  0           0

  998  32768.70f9-6df4-8a00  0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  999  32768.7425-8ade-a600  0           0




dis stp root

 VLAN  Root Bridge ID        ExtPathCost IntPathCost Root Port

    1  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

    4  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

   28  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

   37  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

   64  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

   65  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

   72  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  110  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  111  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  112  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  120  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  121  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  140  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  141  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  150  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  151  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  160  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  161  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  170  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  171  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  180  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  181  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  190  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  191  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  200  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  201  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  210  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  211  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  220  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  221  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  311  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  312  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  313  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  314  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  315  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  316  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  330  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  331  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  400  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  411  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  412  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  413  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  414  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  415  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  416  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  417  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  418  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  419  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  420  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  421  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  422  0.7425-8ade-a600      0           2           Bridge-Aggregation1

  555  32768.70f9-6df4-8a00  0           0

  900  32768.70f9-6df4-8a00  0           0

  903  32768.70f9-6df4-8a00  0           0

  998  32768.70f9-6df4-8a00  0           0




sh spanning-tree root


                                        Root    Hello Max Fwd

Vlan                   Root ID          Cost    Time  Age Dly  Root Port

---------------- -------------------- --------- ----- --- ---  ------------

VLAN0064            64 7425.8ade.a600         4    2   20  15  Gi0/48          

VLAN0140           140 7425.8ade.a600         4    2   20  15  Gi0/48          

VLAN0400           400 7425.8ade.a600         4    2   20  15  Gi0/48    


查看思科2960 STP端口状态信息:

sh spanning-tree detail active


 VLAN0064 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol

  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, sysid 64, address 5835.d946.4b00

  Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Current root has priority 64, address 7425.8ade.a600

  Root port is 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48), cost of root path is 4

  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set

  Number of topology changes 15 last change occurred 2w1d ago

          from GigabitEthernet0/47

  Times:  hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2

          hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300


 Port 46 (GigabitEthernet0/46) of VLAN0064 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.46.

   Designated root has priority 64, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32832, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.46, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 522598, received 0


 Port 47 (GigabitEthernet0/47) of VLAN0064 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.47.

   Designated root has priority 64, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32832, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.47, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 520206, received 51


 Port 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48) of VLAN0064 is root forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.48.

   Designated root has priority 64, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 64, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated port id is 128.121, designated path cost 0

   Timers: message age 3, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 4, received 520803



 VLAN0140 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol

  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, sysid 140, address 5835.d946.4b00

  Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Current root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

  Root port is 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48), cost of root path is 4

  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set

  Number of topology changes 303 last change occurred 1d15h ago

          from GigabitEthernet0/7

  Times:  hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2

          hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300


 Port 7 (GigabitEthernet0/7) of VLAN0140 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 100, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.7.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32908, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.7, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 57940, received 0


 Port 10 (GigabitEthernet0/10) of VLAN0140 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 100, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.10.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32908, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.10, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 65869, received 0


 Port 34 (GigabitEthernet0/34) of VLAN0140 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.34.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32908, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.34, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 204774, received 0


 Port 46 (GigabitEthernet0/46) of VLAN0140 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.46.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32908, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.46, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 544444, received 68


 Port 47 (GigabitEthernet0/47) of VLAN0140 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.47.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 32908, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.47, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 541893, received 53


 Port 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48) of VLAN0140 is root forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.48.

   Designated root has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 140, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated port id is 128.121, designated path cost 0

   Timers: message age 3, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 333, received 542515



 VLAN0400 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol

  Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, sysid 400, address 5835.d946.4b00

  Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Current root has priority 400, address 7425.8ade.a600

  Root port is 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48), cost of root path is 4

  Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set

  Number of topology changes 15 last change occurred 2w1d ago

          from GigabitEthernet0/47

  Times:  hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2

          hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

  Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300


 Port 46 (GigabitEthernet0/46) of VLAN0400 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.46.

   Designated root has priority 400, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 33168, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.46, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 653252, received 0


 Port 47 (GigabitEthernet0/47) of VLAN0400 is designated forwarding

   Port path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.47.

   Designated root has priority 400, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 33168, address 5835.d946.4b00

   Designated port id is 128.47, designated path cost 4

   Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 650269, received 45


 Port 48 (GigabitEthernet0/48) of VLAN0400 is root forwarding

   Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.48.

   Designated root has priority 400, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated bridge has priority 400, address 7425.8ade.a600

   Designated port id is 128.121, designated path cost 0

   Timers: message age 1, forward delay 0, hold 0

   Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1

   Link type is point-to-point by default

   BPDU: sent 4, received 651016



至此,S12508与华为思科2960 PVST对接的典型组网配置案例已完成!















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