<zhoucun30>%Jan 1 01:31:19:879 2011 zhoucun30 PING/6/PING_STATISTICS: Ping statistics for 5 packet(s) transmitted, 0 packet(s) received, 100.0% packet loss. *Jan 1 01:31:26:234 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Received packet successfully. *Jan 1 01:31:26:235 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, local =, remote = Received packet from source port 500 destination port 500. *Jan 1 01:31:26:235 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, local =, remote = I-COOKIE: 8244da4375eb4dfa R-COOKIE: 2440f5c58aa0592e next payload: HASH version: ISAKMP Version 1.0 exchange mode: Info flags: ENCRYPT message ID: 92c8734 length: 68 *Jan 1 01:31:26:235 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: IKE thread 1099531552 processes a job. *Jan 1 01:31:26:235 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Info packet process started. *Jan 1 01:31:26:235 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Received informational exchange packet, but IKE SA is inexistent or incomplete. *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Received packet successfully. *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, local =, remote = Received packet from source port 500 destination port 500. *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, local =, remote = I-COOKIE: 8244da4375eb4dfa R-COOKIE: 2440f5c58aa0592e next payload: HASH version: ISAKMP Version 1.0 exchange mode: Info flags: ENCRYPT message ID: ab13035 length: 76 *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: IKE thread 1099531552 processes a job. *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Info packet process started. *Jan 1 01:31:26:247 2011 zhoucun30 IKE/7/EVENT: Received informational exchange packet, but IKE SA is inexistent or incomplete. <zhoucun30> <zhoucun30> <zhoucun30>dis ips <zhoucun30>dis ipsec st <zhoucun30>dis ipsec statistics IPsec packet statistics: Received/sent packets: 4750/5244 Received/sent bytes: 365776/398856 Dropped packets (received/sent): 0/39 Dropped packets statistics No available SA: 39 Wrong SA: 0 Invalid length: 0 Authentication failure: 0 Encapsulation failure: 0 Decapsulation failure: 0 Replayed packets: 0 ACL check failure: 0 MTU check failure: 0 Loopback limit exceeded: 0 Crypto speed limit exceeded: 0 <zhoucun30>dis ike <zhoucun30>dis ike ? proposal IKE proposal information sa Display IKE security associations (SAs) statistics Display IKE statistics <zhoucun30>dis ike sta <zhoucun30>dis ike statistics IKE statistics: No matching proposal: 0 Invalid ID information: 11 Unavailable certificate: 0 Unsupported DOI: 0 Unsupported situation: 0 Invalid proposal syntax: 0 Invalid SPI: 0 Invalid protocol ID: 0 Invalid certificate: 0 Authentication failure: 0 Invalid flags: 1 Invalid message id: 0 Invalid COOKIE: 0 Invalid transform ID: 0 Malformed payload: 0 Invalid key information: 0 Invalid hash information: 0 Unsupported attribute: 0 Unsupported certificate type: 0 Invalid certificate authority: 0 Invalid signature: 0 Unsupported exchange type: 0 No available SA: 50 Retransmit timeout: 0 Not enough memory: 0 Enqueue fails: 0 Failures to send R_U_THERE DPD packets: 0 Failures to receive R_U_THERE DPD packets: 0 Failures to send ACK DPD packets: 0 Failures to receive ACK DPD packets: 0 Sent P1 SA lifetime change packets: 0 Received P1 SA lifetime change packets: total=0, process failures=0 (no SA=0,failures to reset SA soft lifetime=0,failures to reset SA hard lifetime=0) Sent P2 SA lifetime change packets: 0 Received P2 SA lifetime change packets: total=0, process failures=0
<zhoucun30>dis ike sta <zhoucun30>dis ike statistics IKE statistics: No matching proposal: 0 Invalid ID information: 11 Unavailable certificate: 0 Unsupported DOI: 0 Unsupported situation: 0 Invalid proposal syntax: 0 Invalid SPI: 0 Invalid protocol ID: 0 Invalid certificate: 0 Authentication failure: 0 Invalid flags: 1 Invalid message id: 0 Invalid COOKIE: 0 Invalid transform ID: 0 Malformed payload: 0 Invalid key information: 0 Invalid hash information: 0 Unsupported attribute: 0 Unsupported certificate type: 0 Invalid certificate authority: 0 Invalid signature: 0 Unsupported exchange type: 0 No available SA: 50 Retransmit timeout: 0 Not enough memory: 0 Enqueue fails: 0 Failures to send R_U_THERE DPD packets: 0 Failures to receive R_U_THERE DPD packets: 0 Failures to send ACK DPD packets: 0 Failures to receive ACK DPD packets: 0 Sent P1 SA lifetime change packets: 0 Received P1 SA lifetime change packets: total=0, process failures=0 (no SA=0,failures to reset SA soft lifetime=0,failures to reset SA hard lifetime=0) Sent P2 SA lifetime change packets: 0 Received P2 SA lifetime change packets: total=0, process failures=0
2、检查ipsec acl是否配置正确(两端ACL以互为镜像的方式配置)
3、检查ike keychain/ike profile 协商参数配置是否正确(工作模式、keychain、identity、本端/对端隧道地址或隧道名称、NAT穿越功能v7自适应)
4、检查ipsec proposal(v5平台) /ipsec transform-set(v7平台)参数两端是否一致(封装模式、安全协议、验证算法、加密算法)
5、检查设备是否创建ipsec策略,并加载协商参数(acl、ike profile 、ipsec transform-set、对端隧道IP)
1、disp ipsec policy
2、disp acl
3、dis cu conf ike-profile
4、dis cu conf ike-keychain
5、display ike proposal
6、display ipsec transform-set
7、disp ike sa (verbose)
8、disp ipsec sa
9、reset ipsec sa
10、reset ike sa