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2.在集中式转发下 WIFI 局域网内上传文件到文件夹服务器 不会超过16M/s,AP 6330是WIFI6的


4.现在问题出现在集中式转发下   希望大佬们帮忙分析哪里出现问题











请教一下本地转发下,无线SSID 还能绑定不通的VLAN么

zhiliao_oHwcpv 发表时间:2023-09-28 更多>>

请教一下本地转发下,无线SSID 还能绑定不通的VLAN么

zhiliao_oHwcpv 发表时间:2023-09-28
3 个回答
zhiliao_oHwcpv 知了小白
粉丝:0人 关注:0人

version 7.1.064, Release 5435P02
sysname AC-KTX
wlan global-configuration
firmware-upgrade disable
telnet server enable
lldp global enable
password-recovery enable
vlan 1
vlan 2 to 500
wlan service-template domi
ssid DOMI
vlan 200
akm mode psk
preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$OV57nBz3FQRKWSDaE13OE5WGFwzOPLUPgVS5+0Y=
cipher-suite ccmp
security-ie rsn
client-security ignore-authorization
service-template enable
wlan service-template meeting
vlan 200
akm mode psk
preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$/N/9G3/A5WBfKTW0BXZUaHH6RJ1Vf0RjRTLNib0=
cipher-suite ccmp
cipher-suite tkip
security-ie rsn
security-ie wpa
service-template enable
wlan service-template phone
ssid PHONE
vlan 35
akm mode psk
preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$3MvdVkHJYuhqoigLhDxCZuPSdH6es/oa/lmtG4U=
cipher-suite ccmp
cipher-suite tkip
security-ie rsn
security-ie wpa
wlan service-template staff
vlan 151
service-template enable
wlan service-template wifi-dormiritor
vlan 200
akm mode psk
preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$fudDVMy9pY5tPdml1xEuUvyRu3NUqYc9tEBfgxs=
cipher-suite ccmp
cipher-suite tkip
security-ie rsn
security-ie wpa
service-template enable
interface NULL0
interface Vlan-interface40
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
port link-mode route
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
port link-mode route
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
port link-mode bridge
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan all
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
port link-mode bridge
scheduler logfile size 16
scheduler job CANTEEN
command 200 wlan service-template CANTEEN
scheduler job CANTEENDOWN
command 1 sys
command 2 wlan service-template OFF-CANTEEN
command 3 undo service-template enable
command 4 y
scheduler job CANTEENUP
command 1 sys
command 2 wlan service-template OFF-CANTEEN
command 3 service-template enable
command 4 y
scheduler schedule CANTEENDOWN
user-role network-admin
time repeating at 13:00 week-day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
scheduler schedule CANTEENDOWN1
user-role network-admin
time repeating at 17:30 week-day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
scheduler schedule CANTEENUP
user-role network-admin
time repeating at 11:30 week-day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
scheduler schedule CANTEENUP1
user-role network-admin
time repeating at 17:00 week-day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
line class console
user-role network-admin
line class vty
user-role network-operator
line con 0
user-role network-admin
line vty 0 31
authentication-mode scheme
user-role network-operator
ip route-static 0
ip route-static 0
undo info-center logfile enable
time-range 33 17:00 to 17:30 daily
time-range 33 11:30 to 13:00 daily
time-range 33 from 00:00 1/1/2021 to 00:00 1/1/2030
acl mac 4000
rule 0 permit time-range 6630
domain system
domain default enable system
role name level-0
description Predefined level-0 role
role name level-1
description Predefined level-1 role
role name level-2
description Predefined level-2 role
role name level-3
description Predefined level-3 role
role name level-4
description Predefined level-4 role
role name level-5
description Predefined level-5 role
role name level-6
description Predefined level-6 role
role name level-7
description Predefined level-7 role
role name level-8
description Predefined level-8 role
role name level-9
description Predefined level-9 role
role name level-10
description Predefined level-10 role
role name level-11
description Predefined level-11 role
role name level-12
description Predefined level-12 role
role name level-13
description Predefined level-13 role
role name level-14
description Predefined level-14 role
user-group system
local-user admin class manage
password hash $h$6$WKRv7ccTsavPtVMu$ofNLyUsDs2PN3uf/WQqcjlRiGYGz3wM/+ZVDNRQBNV68zhvMYgGUCAk9ij57IUOLm3Y8cECK3Uc5LoRMmRrQLg==
service-type telnet http https
authorization-attribute user-role network-admin
netconf soap http enable
ip http enable
ip https enable
smartmc tm username admin password cipher $c$3$FIsZ6L1ca/Ri47O1DUCpXowvu9VDSmE/ enable
wlan auto-ap enable
wlan auto-persistent enable
wlan ap-group default-group
vlan 1
wlan ap-group dorm
firmware-upgrade disable
vlan 1
ap 04d7-a52d-c7e0
ap 04d7-a52d-c840
ap 04d7-a52d-c860
ap 04d7-a52d-c960
ap 04d7-a52d-ca00
ap 04d7-a52d-cb00
ap 04d7-a52d-cb40
ap 04d7-a52d-cbe0
ap 04d7-a52d-cc00
ap 04d7-a52d-cc40
ap 04d7-a52d-cc80
ap 04d7-a52d-cd40
ap 04d7-a52d-cd60
ap 04d7-a52d-d020
ap 04d7-a52d-d0a0
ap 04d7-a52d-d100
ap 04d7-a52d-d1a0
ap 04d7-a52d-d1c0
ap 04d7-a52d-d2c0
ap 28E424B11C50
ap 28e4-24b1-04e0
ap 28e4-24b1-0870
ap 28e4-24b1-3f90
ap 28e4-24b1-8820
ap 882a-5e6c-cba0
ap 882a-5e6c-cbao
ap 9023-b48c-a000
ap 9023-b48c-b740
ap 9023-b48d-6040
ap 9023-b48d-6140
ap 9023-b48d-9060
ap 9023-b48d-9200
ap 9023-b48d-9500
ap 9023-b48d-c780
ap 9023-b48e-1060
ap 9023-b48e-5e40
ap 9023-b48e-5ea0
ap 9023-b48e-5f20
ap 9023-b48e-5f40
ap 9023-b48e-5f60
ap 9023-b48e-5fc0
ap 9023-b48e-6040
ap 9023-b48e-60c0
ap 9023-b48e-6120
ap AP03
ap AP04
ap IT
ap IT1
ap KTX
ap OF-2FL-AP1
ap OFF-1FL-AP01
ap OFF-2FL-AP01
ap OFF-3FL-AP01
ap OFF-3FL-AP02
ap OFF-3FL-AP03
ap OFF-3FL-AP04
ap OFF-3FL-AP05
ap OFF-3FL-AP06
ap OFF-3FL-AP07
ap OFF-3FL-AP08
ap OFF-3FL-AP09
ap OFF-3FL-AP10
ap OFF-3FL-AP11
ap OFF-3FL-AP12
ap OFF-3FL-AP13
ap OFF-3FL-AP14
ap OFF-3FL-AP15
ap OFF-3FL-AP16
ap OFF-3FL-AP17
ap OFF-3FL-AP18
ap OFF-3FL-AP20
ap OFF-4FL-AP01
ap OFF-4FL-AP014
ap OFF-4FL-AP02
ap OFF-4FL-AP03
ap OFF-4FL-AP04
ap OFF-4FL-AP05
ap OFF-4FL-AP06
ap OFF-4FL-AP07
ap OFF-4FL-AP08
ap OFF-4FL-AP09
ap OFF-4FL-AP10
ap OFF-4FL-AP11
ap OFF-4FL-AP12
ap OFF-4FL-AP13
ap OFF-4FL-AP14
ap OFF-4FL-AP15
ap OFF-4FL-AP16
ap OFF-4FL-AP17
ap WS2-1FL-IP-AP05
ap WS2-1FL-IP-AP06
ap WS2-2FL-IP-AP03
ap WS2-2FL-IP-AP04
ap WS2-2FL-IT
ap bcd0-eb0c-37d0
ap c4c0-63ab-7f00
ap-model WA510H-WW
radio 1
radio enable
radio 2
radio enable
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
ap-model WA6320H
radio 1
radio enable
radio 2
radio enable
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
ap-model WA6330
radio 1
max-power 20
radio enable
mimo 2x2
radio 2
max-power 20
radio enable
mimo 2x2
radio 3
radio enable
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap KTX model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007MR
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-1FL-AP01 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8212E00368
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template meeting
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 3
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP01 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007MH
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP02 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007MS
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP03 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E0043B
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP04 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E006ZD
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP05 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007N7
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP06 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E005XS
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP07 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007N0
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP08 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007N4
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP09 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E005J6
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP10 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E003XB
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP11 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E005XC
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP12 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E005YK
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP13 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007MW
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP14 model WA6320H
serial-id 219801A2978211E007MQ
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP15 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001F
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP16 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001H
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP17 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0000F
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP18 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002F
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-3FL-AP20 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0000P
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP01 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0000V
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP02 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002T
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP03 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002K
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP04 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0000D
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP05 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE00011
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP06 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE00033
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP07 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002V
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP08 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002N
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP09 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE00015
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP10 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE00009
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP11 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001B
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP12 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0002H
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP13 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001C
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP14 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE00013
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP15 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001P
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP16 model WA510H-WW
serial-id 219801A1NS818CE0001Q
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
gigabitethernet 2
gigabitethernet 3
gigabitethernet 4
gigabitethernet 5
wlan ap OFF-4FL-AP17 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8225E00156
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 3
service-template domi
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap OFFICE-PHONE-AP01 model WA6330
mac-address 28e4-24b1-05a0
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap OFFICE-PHONE-AP02 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE0006C
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template phone
service-template staff
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 2
service-template phone
service-template staff
service-template wifi-dormiritor
radio 3
service-template phone
service-template staff
service-template wifi-dormiritor
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-1FL-PHONE-AP04 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE000FZ
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-1FL-PHONE-AP05 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE00011
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-1FL-PHONE-AP06 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE0007X
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-2FL-MEETING-AP01 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE0007Y
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template domi
service-template meeting
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template domi
service-template meeting
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template domi
service-template meeting
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-2FL-MEETING-AP02 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8228E004WF
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-2FL-PHONE-AP03 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE000VG
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-3FL-PHONE-AP07 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8228E00532
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS2-3FL-PHONE-AP08 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8212E0037M
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS3-1FL-PHONE-AP10 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V822BE0004H
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
wlan ap WS3-4FL-PHONE-AP09 model WA6330
serial-id 219801A23V8228E00535
vlan 1
radio 1
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 2
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
radio 3
service-template meeting
service-template phone
service-template staff
gigabitethernet 1
smartrate-ethernet 1
cloud-management server domain oasis.h3c.com

粉丝:237人 关注:8人



zhiliao_sEUyB 发表时间:2023-09-28 更多>>

请教一下本地转发下,无线SSID 还能绑定不通的VLAN么

zhiliao_oHwcpv 发表时间:2023-09-28


zhiliao_sEUyB 发表时间:2023-09-28
粉丝:2人 关注:0人


请教一下本地转发下,无线SSID 还能绑定不通的VLAN么

zhiliao_oHwcpv 发表时间:2023-09-28 更多>>

请教一下本地转发下,无线SSID 还能绑定不通的VLAN么

zhiliao_oHwcpv 发表时间:2023-09-28















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您好,当您发现根叔知了上有诽谤您的内容时,您可以向根叔知了进行举报。 请您把以下内容通过邮件发送到pub.zhiliao@h3c.com 邮箱,我们会尽快处理。
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