5500V3-36F-DP-Si 交换机,客户自己买的模块。有办法发或者命令之类的 把模块自检功能给关闭吗
%Jan 5 00:18:19:463 2013 H3C OPTMOD/4/PHONY_MODULE: GigabitEthernet1/0/2: A non-H3C transceiver is detected. Please confirm the label of the transceiver. If there is an H3C logo, it is suspected to be a counterfeit H3C transceiver. This transceiver is NOT sold by H3C. H3C therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the device or assume the maintenance responsibility thereof!
%Jan 5 00:18:19:464 2013 H3C OPTMOD/4/PHONY_MODULE: GigabitEthernet1/0/7: A non-H3C transceiver is detected. Please confirm the label of the transceiver. If there is an H3C logo, it is suspected to be a counterfeit H3C transceiver. This transceiver is NOT sold by H3C. H3C therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the device or assume the maintenance responsibility thereof!
%Jan 5 00:18:19:464 2013 H3C OPTMOD/4/PHONY_MODULE: GigabitEthernet1/0/13: A non-H3C transceiver is detected. Please confirm the label of the transceiver. If there is an H3C logo, it is suspected to be a counterfeit H3C transceiver. This transceiver is NOT sold by H3C. H3C therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the device or assume the maintenance responsibility thereof!
%Jan 5 00:18:19:465 2013 H3C OPTMOD/4/PHONY_MODULE: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/34: A non-H3C transceiver is detected. Please confirm the label of the transceiver. If there is an H3C logo, it is suspected to be a counterfeit H3C transceiver. This transceiver is NOT sold by H3C. H3C therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the device or assume the maintenance responsibility thereof!
%Jan 5 00:19:41:186 2013 H3C SH
系统视图模式下,执行命令“info-center source OPTMOD console level error”或执行命令“info-center source OPTMOD console deny”
H3C 交换机会对接入的光模块进行认证,如果发现是非H3C原装的光模块,会弹出大量的告警信息1。如果您想关闭这些告警信息,您可以使用以下方法:
命令。info-center source OPTMOD console level error
或info-center source OPTMOD console deny
命令,关闭光模块OPTMOD告警信息1。no info-center source OPTMOD console
命令,恢复光模块OPTMOD告警信息2。您可以参考以下链接中的文档和案例,了解更多关于H3C 交换机光模块的配置方法和应用场景:
no info-center source OPTMOD console这条也试试