老师好:前几天大楼停电后又来电,有几台弱电井的汇聚交换机S5130-34C-HI,出现无法和下面接入交换机通讯状态,接口速率之前都是F(a)变为H(a),通过管理地址也可以登录有问题交换机,然后我抓取了日志(display logbuf)重启后,问题解决。这样问题只要停电来电,总有几台汇聚交换故障,不知道是何原因,从何排查?
<N-F1-W-HJ>dis logbuffer
Log buffer: Enabled
Max buffer size: 1024
Actual buffer size: 512
Dropped messages: 0
Overwritten messages: 0
Current messages: 234
%Dec 31 23:59:53:942 2012 N-F1-W-HJ SYSLOG/6/SYSLOG_RESTART: System restarted --
H3C Comware Software.
%Jan 1 00:00:14:092 2013 N-F1-W-HJ OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/29: The transceiver is 10G_BASE_SR_SFP.
%Jan 1 00:00:14:580 2013 N-F1-W-HJ OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/30: The transceiver is 10G_BASE_SR_SFP.
%Jan 1 00:00:14:985 2013 N-F1-W-HJ OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/31: The transceiver is 10G_BASE_LR_SFP.
%Jan 1 00:00:15:532 2013 N-F1-W-HJ OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/32: The transceiver is 10G_BASE_LR_SFP.
%Jan 1 00:00:24:016 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_AICFG: Member port XGE1/0/30 of aggregation group BAGG1 changed to the inactive state, because the member port and the aggregate interface have different attribute configurations.
%Jan 1 00:00:24:018 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_INACTIVE_AICFG: Member port XGE1/0/32 of aggregation group BAGG2 changed to the inactive state, because the member port and the aggregate interface have different attribute configurations.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:030 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/3 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:031 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:130 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/7 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:138 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:214 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/23 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:214 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:214 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Vlan-interface302 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:227 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Vlan-interface302 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:323 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/27 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:323 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:414 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/19 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:415 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:828 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port XGE1/0/29 of aggregation group BAGG1 changed to the active state.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:842 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/29 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:857 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/30 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:857 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/29 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:857 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/31 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:857 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Bridge-Aggregation1 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:857 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Bridge-Aggregation1 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:863 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port XGE1/0/30 of aggregation group BAGG1 changed to the active state.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:869 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port XGE1/0/31 of aggregation group BAGG2 changed to the active state.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:893 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/30 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:893 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/31 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:894 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Bridge-Aggregation2 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:37:894 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Bridge-Aggregation2 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:38:384 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/32 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:38:392 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LAGG/6/LAGG_ACTIVE: Member port XGE1/0/32 of aggregation group BAGG2 changed to the active state.
%Jan 1 00:00:38:395 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/32 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:38:668 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent new neighbor created on Port Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/30 (IfIndex 30), Chassis ID is 7c1e-0624-7800, Port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet2/0/0/2.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:100 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent new neighbor created on Port Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/29 (IfIndex 29), Chassis ID is 7c1e-0624-7800, Port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/0/2.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:238 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/10 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:240 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:407 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent new neighbor created on Port Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/31 (IfIndex 31), Chassis ID is 54c6-ff1d-2200, Port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet1/2/0/2.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ LLDP/6/LLDP_CREATE_NEIGHBOR: Nearest bridge agent new neighbor created on Port Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/32 (IfIndex 32), Chassis ID is 54c6-ff1d-2200, Port ID is Ten-GigabitEthernet2/2/0/2.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:651 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation2 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:39:675 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation2 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:40:555 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:40:585 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:40:904 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/15 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:40:909 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15 is up.
%Jan 1 00:00:43:544 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:43:567 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:46:544 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:52:077 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: Accepted password for admin from port 54993 ssh2.
%Jan 1 00:00:52:091 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: connected to the server successfully.
%Jan 1 00:00:53:445 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: admin logged in from
%Jan 1 00:00:54:680 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:00:57:545 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:03:730 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display version
%Jan 1 00:01:03:792 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: User admin logged out from port 54993.
%Jan 1 00:01:03:792 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: disconnected from the server.
%Jan 1 00:01:04:271 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: admin logged out from
%Jan 1 00:01:04:921 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: Accepted password for admin from port 55011 ssh2.
%Jan 1 00:01:04:937 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: connected to the server successfully.
%Jan 1 00:01:06:774 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: admin logged in from
%Jan 1 00:01:07:404 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/3 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:07:405 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/7 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:07:405 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/23 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:07:405 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/27 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:08:186 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:08:403 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/19 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:09:430 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/10 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:10:544 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:11:397 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:11:403 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/15 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:13:545 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:18:508 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is display acl all
%Jan 1 00:01:18:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is dis current-configuration
%Jan 1 00:01:18:720 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:19:080 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is dis time-range all
%Jan 1 00:01:19:155 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: User admin logged out from port 55011.
%Jan 1 00:01:19:155 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: disconnected from the server.
%Jan 1 00:01:19:464 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: admin logged out from
%Jan 1 00:01:21:548 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:30:862 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:33:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:33:689 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:36:546 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:53:143 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:01:55:546 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:06:551 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:09:546 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:09:570 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:12:547 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:19:596 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:22:547 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:31:561 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:34:548 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:50:722 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:02:53:547 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:24:807 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:27:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:34:597 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:37:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:47:246 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:49:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:50:194 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:52:549 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:57:268 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:03:59:550 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:06:207 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:08:550 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:26:250 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:28:551 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:32:260 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:34:551 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:43:247 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:04:45:551 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:05:43:210 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:05:45:553 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:06:01:518 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:06:03:561 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:06:42:225 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:06:44:554 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:07:521 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:09:563 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:10:552 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:12:555 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:19:600 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:22:555 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:26:008 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:07:28:556 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:08:55:195 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:08:57:558 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:09:33:196 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:09:35:560 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:10:36:092 2013 N-F1-W-HJ CFGMAN/5/CFGMAN_CFGCHANGED: -EventIndex=1-CommandSource=snmp-COnfigSource=startup-COnfigDestination=running; Configuration is changed.
%Jan 1 00:12:24:479 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:12:26:565 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:19:48:815 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:19:51:578 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:27:18:520 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:27:20:591 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:30:09:521 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:30:11:596 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:30:50:387 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:30:52:597 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:33:29:736 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:33:32:605 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:34:24:297 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:34:26:603 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:34:49:525 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:34:51:604 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:38:04:150 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:38:06:625 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:41:21:429 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:41:23:616 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:42:34:302 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:42:36:632 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:50:15:835 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:50:18:632 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 00:59:00:023 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/10 link status is down.
%Jan 1 00:59:00:029 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 is down.
%Jan 1 00:59:02:465 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/10 link status is up.
%Jan 1 00:59:02:479 2013 N-F1-W-HJ IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 is up.
%Jan 1 00:59:33:404 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port GigabitEthernet1/0/10 detected a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:11:13:681 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:11:15:669 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:12:54:538 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:12:56:671 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:13:17:644 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:13:19:672 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:14:53:794 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:14:56:675 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:09:666 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:11:688 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:12:029 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:14:688 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:25:620 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:27:688 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:39:029 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:22:41:689 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:23:24:619 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:23:26:690 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:02:638 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:04:696 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:16:649 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:18:697 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:26:579 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:28:697 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:32:621 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:34:697 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:37:622 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:39:697 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:27:58:624 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:28:00:698 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:28:12:642 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:28:14:698 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:14:620 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:16:720 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:29:621 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:31:701 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:38:621 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:40:701 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:44:623 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:46:702 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:50:622 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:52:757 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:54:624 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:29:56:701 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:09:626 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:11:702 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:18:621 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:20:702 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:22:270 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:24:757 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:25:051 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:27:703 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:44:216 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:46:703 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:50:624 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:52:703 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:54:038 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:30:56:705 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:31:20:623 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:31:22:704 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:36:16:534 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:36:18:712 2013 N-F1-W-HJ STP/6/STP_NOTIFIED_TC: Instance 0's port Bridge-Aggregation1 was notified a topology change.
%Jan 1 01:38:34:629 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: Accepted password for admin from port 62393 ssh2.
%Jan 1 01:38:34:667 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_CONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: connected to the server successfully.
%Jan 1 01:38:34:984 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: Accepted password for admin from port 62394 ssh2.
%Jan 1 01:38:34:986 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_LOG: Disconnecting: SFTP server is disabled or service type is not supported.
%Jan 1 01:38:34:987 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user admin (IP: disconnected from the server.
%Jan 1 01:38:36:112 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: admin logged in from
%Jan 1 01:38:38:635 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is dis int brief
%Jan 1 01:38:56:185 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is dis ll n l
%Jan 1 01:39:20:902 2013 N-F1-W-HJ SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=vty0-IPAddr=; Command is dis logbuffer
[END] 2024/2/12 14:11:19