[2020-02-28 08:23:01] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:01] [Dbg] [b74] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:01] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 after 1st insCoMac.
[2020-02-28 08:23:06] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:06] [Dbg] [b74] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:11] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:11] [Dbg] [b74] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 coActive: start to call CoStart.
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 into CoStart with nic \Device\{2d110129-cb6b-45ee-85fa-74c8d6df0d14}
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 CoStart: cur-state turned to SESS-START.
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 CoStart: dwReAuthBaseTime = 87206031.
[2020-02-28 08:23:16] [Dbg] [b74] Pt8021 CoStart: Peer MAC is: 01 80 C2 00 00 03
[2020-02-28 08:23:21] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1837 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:21] [Err] [b74] ::SendLay2PacketByInodeDm failed to send layer2 packet to inode daemon.Try again
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Err] [b74] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1837 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Err] [b74] ::SendLay2PacketByInodeDm failed to send layer2 packet to inode daemon.Return failure.
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Warn] [b74] ::X1Base_CoStart failed to send the packet.
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Info] [b74] CProtoBase::startConn failed to start connection, error code: 1
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Err] [b74] CProtoBase::startConn failed to start the connection by protocol.
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [DtlCmn] [6fc] ServCenter OfflineAllConns: PtIdent is 8021,co-status is 7
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 into CoDeAct...
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 coDeAct: start to call CoStop()
[2020-02-28 08:23:26] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 into CoStop...
[2020-02-28 08:23:31] [Err] [6fc] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1837 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:31] [Err] [6fc] ::SendLay2PacketByInodeDm failed to send layer2 packet to inode daemon.Try again
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Err] [6fc] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1837 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Err] [6fc] ::SendLay2PacketByInodeDm failed to send layer2 packet to inode daemon.Return failure.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Warn] [6fc] ::X1BaseSendLogoff failed to send the packet.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 CoStop: set pX1Cfg->ucOnline= 0
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [6fc] MangeCheck utl_IsCheckLic:current user is not Admin,so return false.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [6fc] X1Base_CoDeActive call X1Base_FreeL2Receiver.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 l2free: extraOffOp4IPv6 called.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [6fc] Pt8021 l2free:dhcpenabled is false - no need to refresh ip, return.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Info] [14c4] CProtoBase::startConn begin to start connection.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 into X1CoAct 1
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 into X1CoAct 2
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [DtlCmn] [14c4] NetL2 updDevLstEx: entering ---------------
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [DtlCmn] [14c4] NetL2 after closeEnum.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Info] [14c4] NetL2 updDevsInfo: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2192.168.17.19
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [DtlCmn] [14c4] NetL2 updDevLstEx: ========= leave out ==========
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 getDevInfo: x1cfgNicName: \Device\{2d110129-cb6b-45ee-85fa-74c8d6df0d14}, MatchedDev: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Info] [14c4] NetL2 updDevsInfo: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2192.168.17.19
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 into X1CoAct 3
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 into X1CoAct 4
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 bWithDot3 is 1.
[2020-02-28 08:23:36] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 after starting WAC.
[2020-02-28 08:23:37] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 after rstrn sys-1x.
[2020-02-28 08:23:37] [DtlCmn] [14c4] Pt8021 coActive: ucRetryAuthTimes = 3 ReCOnnForever= 0 dwReauthInterval = 300
[2020-02-28 08:23:42] [Err] [14c4] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:42] [Dbg] [14c4] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:42] [Dbg] [14c4] Pt8021 after 1st insCoMac.
[2020-02-28 08:23:47] [Err] [14c4] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
[2020-02-28 08:23:47] [Dbg] [14c4] ::L2InsCoMac fail to send message to the inode common daemon.
[2020-02-28 08:23:52] [Err] [14c4] inode::sendSyncReq3 failed to send message (CmdID: 1835 ) to 1, return code: -3
现在一般都用0538之后的版本,比较推荐0548,可以试试 官网下载链接: