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设置列表 有序列表 无序列表对齐方式 靠左 居中 靠右 版本 V5.20 release 3302 l2tp enable#domain vpn       authentication ppp local access-limit disable state active    idle-cut disable self-service-url disable ip pool 0 xxxx # local-user abc password cipher aabbcc service-type ppp#l2tp-group 2    undo tunnel authentication  allow l2tp virtual-template 2 remote vpn domain vpn # interface Virtual-Template2 ppp authentication-mode pap domain vpn remote address pool  ip address xyzSR6602-X1做LNS,l2tp 配置完一直连接不上,用客户端直接连接。debug报以下信息,求各位大佬帮忙看下,谢谢。L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=0 MsgType = 1 Length = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=1, len = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv SCCRQ when in state 1  from  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked SCCRQ MSG TYPE = 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Protocol version:  100L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Framing capability : 3 L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Host name, value: MacBook-Pro-3.localL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel password of the L2TP group: ******L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Remote call number, value: 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP receive window size, value: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: START_CONTROL_CONNECTION_REPLYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Protocol version:  100L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Framing capability :3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Host name: LNSL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned Tunnel ID: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Bearer capability: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Receive window size: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Challenge :01 4D D2 A7 FC CD 11 95 37 EF 70 60 CB 2E 20 AA L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (0) Nr (1)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 sent SCCRP to Tunnel 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 started the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 3 Length = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=3, len = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (1) Nr (1) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=0 SendUp=1) proc ack Nr=1 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(1) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv SCCCN when in state 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 started the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked SCCCN MSG TYPE = 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1: waiting for callsL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 10L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 10 Length = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=10, len = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (2) Nr (1) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=1 SendUp=1) proc ack Nr=1 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 recv ICRQ in state 2 from Call 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 restarted the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked ICRQ MSG TYPE = 10L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP remote call ID 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Call serial number: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: INCOMING_CALL_REPLYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned call ID: 52355L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (1) Nr (3)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 sent an ICRP message to Remote Call 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 Length = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc peer control len = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (3) Nr (2) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=1 SendUp=2) proc ack Nr=2 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(2) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv ZLB, discarded it L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 12 Length = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=12, len = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (3) Nr (2) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=2 SendUp=2) proc ack Nr=2 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 recv ICCN in state 5 from Remote Call 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 restarted the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked ICCN MSG TYPE = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Tx connect speed: 1000000L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Framing type: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: CALL_DISCONNECT_NOTIFYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Result code: RESULT_GENERAL_ERRORL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned call ID: 52355L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (2) Nr (4)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 sent a CDN messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Cleared the data structure of call 52355 DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Received data from sock call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_ERROR: Invalid slot ID 0.DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_ERROR: Received packet discarded because no call structure could be obtained from itDPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_EVENT: Proc peer data. Result 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 14L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 14 Length = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=14, len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (4) Nr (3) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=2 SendUp=3) proc ack Nr=3 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(3) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 4 Length = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=4, len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (5) Nr (3) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=3 SendUp=3) proc ack Nr=3 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv StopCCN when in state 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked StopCCN MSG TYPE = 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Remote Tunnel ID: 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Result code: 256L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Calls on tunnel 1 cleared because 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 handled delay ack when the timer expiredL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 call ID=0 sent a ZLB messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Remote tunnel 9 remote call ID=0 sent a ZLB messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent a ZLB ACK:Ns (3) Nr (6)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 clearing delayed L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Cleared Tunnel remote ID:9, local ID:1


设置列表 有序列表 无序列表对齐方式 靠左 居中 靠右 版本 V5.20 release 3302 l2tp enable#domain vpn       authentication ppp local access-limit disable state active    idle-cut disable self-service-url disable ip pool 0 xxxx # local-user abc password cipher aabbcc service-type ppp#l2tp-group 2    undo tunnel authentication  allow l2tp virtual-template 2 remote vpn domain vpn # interface Virtual-Template2 ppp authentication-mode pap domain vpn remote address pool  ip address xyzSR6602-X1做LNS,l2tp 配置完一直连接不上,用客户端直接连接。debug报以下信息,求各位大佬帮忙看下,谢谢。L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=0 MsgType = 1 Length = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=1, len = 85L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv SCCRQ when in state 1  from  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked SCCRQ MSG TYPE = 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Protocol version:  100L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Framing capability : 3 L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Host name, value: MacBook-Pro-3.localL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel password of the L2TP group: ******L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Remote call number, value: 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP receive window size, value: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: START_CONTROL_CONNECTION_REPLYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Protocol version:  100L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Framing capability :3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Host name: LNSL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned Tunnel ID: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Bearer capability: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Receive window size: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Challenge :01 4D D2 A7 FC CD 11 95 37 EF 70 60 CB 2E 20 AA L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (0) Nr (1)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 sent SCCRP to Tunnel 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 started the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 3 Length = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=3, len = 20L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (1) Nr (1) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=0 SendUp=1) proc ack Nr=1 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(1) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv SCCCN when in state 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 started the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked SCCCN MSG TYPE = 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1: waiting for callsL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 10L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 10 Length = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=10, len = 38L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (2) Nr (1) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=1 SendUp=1) proc ack Nr=1 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 recv ICRQ in state 2 from Call 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 restarted the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked ICRQ MSG TYPE = 10L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP remote call ID 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Call serial number: 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: INCOMING_CALL_REPLYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned call ID: 52355L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (1) Nr (3)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 sent an ICRP message to Remote Call 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 Length = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc peer control len = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (3) Nr (2) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=1 SendUp=2) proc ack Nr=2 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(2) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv ZLB, discarded it L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 12 Length = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=12, len = 40L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (3) Nr (2) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=2 SendUp=2) proc ack Nr=2 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 recv ICCN in state 5 from Remote Call 18601L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 restarted the Hello timer (60 seconds)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked ICCN MSG TYPE = 12L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Tx connect speed: 1000000L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Framing type: 3L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Message Type: CALL_DISCONNECT_NOTIFYL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Result code: RESULT_GENERAL_ERRORL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Put AVP Assigned call ID: 52355L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent control (SendUp & RcvLow): Ns (2) Nr (4)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 first ctrl in send window, started ack timerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Call 52355 sent a CDN messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Cleared the data structure of call 52355 DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Received data from sock call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_ERROR: Invalid slot ID 0.DPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_ERROR: Received packet discarded because no call structure could be obtained from itDPL2TP/7/debug:  L2TP_EVENT: Proc peer data. Result 1L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 14L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=52355 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 14 Length = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=14, len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (4) Nr (3) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=2 SendUp=3) proc ack Nr=3 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 recv a proper ACK: Nr(3) and cleared the acked packetL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 send window empty. ACK timer turned offL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Recv data Len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Received message type: 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Board 0 recv from SOCK call ID=0 tunnel ID=1 MsgType = 4 Length = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Proc a control message from the peer: type=4, len = 42L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1: flow ctrl msg: Ns (5) Nr (3) from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 (SendLow=3 SendUp=3) proc ack Nr=3 from the peerL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 recv StopCCN when in state 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Checked StopCCN MSG TYPE = 4L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Remote Tunnel ID: 9L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Parse AVP Result code: 256L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Calls on tunnel 1 cleared because 0L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 handled delay ack when the timer expiredL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 call ID=0 sent a ZLB messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Remote tunnel 9 remote call ID=0 sent a ZLB messageL2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_PAYLOAD: Tunnel 1 sent a ZLB ACK:Ns (3) Nr (6)L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_CONTROL: Tunnel 1 clearing delayed L2TP/7/L2TDBG:  L2TP_EVENT: Cleared Tunnel remote ID:9, local ID:1


粉丝:3人 关注:0人

Tunnel 1 handled delay ack when the timer expired    先检查一下两端的配置有没有什么温问题。什么组网的? 


1 个回答
粉丝:133人 关注:6人



1、 interface Virtual-Template2没有配置IP地址。

2、没有看到remote address pool  ip address xyz这个 xyz地址池的IP地址段。



4、以下是L2TP VPN的配置案例,请参考:



[FW1]local-user weijianing class network

New local user added.

[FW1-luser-network-weijianing]password simple weijianing

[FW1-luser-network-weijianing]service-type ppp


[FW1]domain system

[FW1-isp-system]authentication ppp local


[FW1]ip pool weijianing

[FW1]ip pool weijianing gateway

[FW1]int Virtual-Template 1

[FW1-Virtual-Template1]ip address 24

[FW1-Virtual-Template1]ppp authentication-mode chap domain system

[FW1-Virtual-Template1]remote address pool weijianing


[FW1]security-zone name Untrust

[FW1-security-zone-Untrust]import interface Virtual-Template 1


[FW1]l2tp enable

[FW1]l2tp-group 1 mode lns

[FW1-l2tp1]undo tunnel authentication

[FW1-l2tp1]tunnel name LNS

[FW1-l2tp1]allow l2tp virtual-template 1

















侵犯我的权益 >
对根叔社区有害的内容 >



泄露了我的隐私 >
侵犯了我企业的权益 >
抄袭了我的内容 >
诽谤我 >



您好,当您发现根叔知了上有泄漏您隐私的内容时,您可以向根叔知了进行举报。 请您把以下内容通过邮件发送到pub.zhiliao@h3c.com 邮箱,我们会尽快处理。
  • 1. 您认为哪些内容泄露了您的隐私?(请在邮件中列出您举报的内容、链接地址,并给出简短的说明)
  • 2. 您是谁?(身份证明材料,可以是身份证或护照等证件)



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