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某局点H3C FlexServer R390服务器阵列失败数据丢失的经验案例

2017-06-27 发表
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周锋 九段
粉丝:32人 关注:0人

某局点一台H3C FlexServer R390服务器,安装有7块硬盘,其中6块硬盘做RAID 10,1块硬盘配置成热备盘。阵列失败,数据丢失,无法正常进入系统。


1792-Slot 0 Drive Array - Valid Data Found in Write-Back Cache.
Data will automatically be written to drive array.
1779-Slot 0 Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed
drive(s) now appear to be operational:
Port 1I: Box 2: Bay 2
Port 2I: Box 2: Bay 5
Logical drive(s) disabled due to possible data loss.
Select "F1" to continue with logical drive(s) disabled
Select "F2" to accept data loss and to re-enable logical drive(s)
(RESUME = "F1" OR "F2" KEY) [default = "F1" in 45 seconds] **TIMED OUT**

1716-Slot 0 Drive Array - Unrecoverable Media Errors Detected on Drives
during previous Rebuild or Background Surface Analysis (ARM) scan.
Errors will be fixed automatically when the sector(s) are overwritten.
Backup and Restore recommended.


  1. IML记录有大量的介质错误,如下:
    Critical,1192,29197,0x0013,Drive Array,,,05/30/2017 09:10:00,4: Internal Storage Enclosure Device Failure (Bay 5, Box 2, Port 2I, Slot 0)
    Critical,1192,29231,0x0013,Drive Array,,,05/30/2017 09:10:00,5: Internal Storage Enclosure Device Failure (Bay 2, Box 2, Port 1I, Slot 0)
    Repaired,1192,29234,0x0013,Drive Array,,,05/30/2017 09:10:00,4: Internal Storage Enclosure Device Failure (Bay 5, Box 2, Port 2I, Slot 0)
    Repaired,1192,29274,0x0013,Drive Array,,,05/30/2017 09:10:00,5: Internal Storage Enclosure Device Failure (Bay 2, Box 2, Port 1I, Slot 0)
    Caution,1193,933,0x000A,POST Message,,,05/30/2017 11:03:00,6: POST Error: 1792-Slot X Drive Array - Valid Data Found in Cache Module. Data will automatically be written to drive array.
    Caution,1193,934,0x000A,POST Message,,,05/30/2017 11:03:00,7: POST Error: 1779-Slot X Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed drive(s) now appear to be operational.
    Caution,1193,935,0x000A,POST Message,,,05/30/2017 11:03:00,8: POST Error: 1716-Slot X Drive Array - Unrecoverable Media Errors Detected on Drives during previous Rebuild or Background Surface Analysis (ARM) scan. Errors will be fixed automatically when the sector(s) are overwritten.·

  2. 分析ADU日志能发现当前的阵列配置信息情况是使用P420i阵列卡将bay1-bay6硬盘配置RAID 10,组建Array A,logical drive 1;bay1和bay4;bay2和bay5;bay3和bay6组成RAID 1组互为镜像,然后3个RAID 1组再组成一个RAID 0阵列。bay7硬盘是做热备的,上面报错的bay2和bay5硬盘刚好在同一个RAID 1组内,具体如下:

    Big Drive Assignment Map 0x3f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Position Device Status
    -------- ---------------------------------- -------------
    0 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:1 Informational
    1 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:2 Informational
    2 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:3 Informational
    3 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:4 Informational
    4 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:5 Informational
    5 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:6 Informational

    Fault Tolerance Mode 10 (0x0002)


    Smart Array P420i in Embedded Slot : SAS Array A : Logical Drive 1 : Mirror/Parity Group Information

    Paired Drive 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0006 0x0007 0x0008 0x0009 0x000a 0x000b 0x000c 0x000d 0x000e 0x000f 0x0010
    0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 0x0018 0x0019 0x001a 0x001b 0x001c 0x001d 0x001e 0x001f 0x0020 0x0021
    0x0022 0x0023 0x0024 0x0025 0x0026 0x0027 0x0028 0x0029 0x002a 0x002b 0x002c 0x002d 0x002e 0x002f 0x0030 0x0031 0x0032
    0x0033 0x0034 0x0035 0x0036 0x0037 0x0038 0x0039 0x003a 0x003b 0x003c 0x003d 0x003e 0x003f 0x0040 0x0041 0x0042 0x0043
    0x0044 0x0045 0x0046 0x0047 0x0048 0x0049 0x004a 0x004b 0x004c 0x004d 0x004e 0x004f 0x0050 0x0051 0x0052 0x0053 0x0054
    0x0055 0x0056 0x0057 0x0058 0x0059 0x005a 0x005b 0x005c 0x005d 0x005e 0x005f 0x0060 0x0061 0x0062 0x0063 0x0064 0x0065
    0x0066 0x0067 0x0068 0x0069 0x006a 0x006b 0x006c 0x006d 0x006e 0x006f 0x0070 0x0071 0x0072 0x0073 0x0074 0x0075 0x0076
    0x0077 0x0078 0x0079 0x007a 0x007b 0x007c 0x007d 0x007e 0x007f 0x0080 0x0081 0x0082 0x0083 0x0084 0x0085 0x0086 0x0087
    0x0088 0x0089 0x008a 0x008b 0x008c 0x008d 0x008e 0x008f 0x0090 0x0091 0x0092 0x0093 0x0094 0x0095 0x0096 0x0097 0x0098
    0x0099 0x009a 0x009b 0x009c 0x009d 0x009e 0x009f 0x00a0 0x00a1 0x00a2 0x00a3 0x00a4 0x00a5 0x00a6 0x00a7 0x00a8 0x00a9
    0x00aa 0x00ab 0x00ac 0x00ad 0x00ae 0x00af 0x00b0 0x00b1 0x00b2 0x00b3 0x00b4 0x00b5 0x00b6 0x00b7 0x00b8 0x00b9 0x00ba
    0x00bb 0x00bc 0x00bd 0x00be 0x00bf 0x00c0 0x00c1 0x00c2 0x00c3 0x00c4 0x00c5 0x00c6 0x00c7 0x00c8 0x00c9 0x00ca 0x00cb
    0x00cc 0x00cd 0x00ce 0x00cf 0x00d0 0x00d1 0x00d2 0x00d3 0x00d4 0x00d5 0x00d6 0x00d7 0x00d8 0x00d9 0x00da 0x00db 0x00dc
    0x00dd 0x00de 0x00df 0x00e0 0x00e1 0x00e2 0x00e3 0x00e4 0x00e5 0x00e6 0x00e7 0x00e8 0x00e9 0x00ea 0x00eb 0x00ec 0x00ed
    0x00ee 0x00ef 0x00f0 0x00f1 0x00f2 0x00f3 0x00f4 0x00f5 0x00f6 0x00f7 0x00f8 0x00f9 0x00fa 0x00fb 0x00fc 0x00fd 0x00fe
    Position Device Association Status
    -------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------
    0 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:1 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:4 Informational
    1 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:2 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:5 Informational
    2 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:3 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:6 Informational
    3 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:4 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:1 Informational
    4 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:5 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:2 Informational
    5 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:6 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:3 Informational
    6 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:7 Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:7 Informational


  3. 阵列失败的情况是bay5硬盘发现被拔掉,导致logical drive降级,不长时间bay2硬盘又有被拔掉的记录,由于bay2和bay5在同一个RAID 1组内,同时和其他硬盘组成RAID 10,所以导致阵列失败,逻辑驱动器失败,bay7这个热备盘也在随后被发现有拔除记录,具体如下:

    Critical,1192,29211,Smart Array,Physical drive removed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:21] Hot-plug drive removed, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=5 SN=9XF2L38300009411DFVH
    Critical,1192,29212,Smart Array,Physical drive failure, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:21] Physical drive failure, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=5 reason=0x14
    Caution,1192,29213,Smart Array,Logical drive status changed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:21] State change, logical drive 0, new state=DEGRADED
    Caution,1192,29214,Smart Array,Logical drive status changed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:26] State change, logical drive 0, new state=NEEDS_REBUILD
    Caution,1192,29215,Smart Array,Logical drive status changed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:26] State change, logical drive 0, new state=REBUILDING
    Caution,1192,29216,Smart Array,Physical drive inserted, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] Hot-plug drive inserted, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=5 SN=9XF2L38300009411DFVH
    Caution,1192,29217,Smart Array,Logical drive status changed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] State change, logical drive 0, new state=NEEDS_REBUILD
    Critical,1192,29218,Smart Array,Physical drive removed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] Hot-plug drive removed, Port=1I Box=2 Bay=2 SN=9XF2L2JE000094141M37
    Critical,1192,29219,Smart Array,Physical drive failure, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] Physical drive failure, Port=1I Box=2 Bay=2 reason=0x14
    Caution,1192,29220,Smart Array,Logical drive exchanged media, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] Media exchanged detected, logical drive 0
    Caution,1192,29221,Smart Array,Logical drive status changed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:43] State change, logical drive 0, new state=FAILED
    Caution,1192,29222,Smart Array,Rebuild complete despite uncorrectable media errors, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:03,[05/30 10:45:45] Rebuild URE, LDrv=0 LBA=0x0005E3800-0x0005E4FFF
    Caution,1192,29239,Smart Array,Physical drive inserted, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:10:08,[05/30 10:45:57] Hot-plug drive inserted, Port=1I Box=2 Bay=2 SN=9XF2L2JE000094141M37
    Critical,1192,29314,Smart Array,Physical drive removed, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:11:18,[05/30 10:46:36] Hot-plug drive removed, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=7 SN=9XF2L2BM00009413GJFD
    Critical,1192,29315,Smart Array,Physical drive failure, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:11:18,[05/30 10:46:36] Physical drive failure, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=7 reason=0x14
    Caution,1192,29316,Smart Array,Physical drive inserted, ,0x00,05/30/2017 09:11:18,[05/30 10:46:57] Hot-plug drive inserted, Port=2I Box=2 Bay=7 SN=9XF2L2BM00009413GJFD







  4. 分析每块硬盘的M&P记录,发现2块硬盘(bay2,bay7)有读写/恢复错误,同时有指向硬盘背板的bus faults记录,1块硬盘(bay5)本身没有任何错误,只有bus faults记录,如下:

    Smart Array P420i in Embedded Slot : Internal Drive Cage at Port 1I : Box 2 : Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 1I:2:2 : Monitor and Performance Statistics (Since Factory)

    Serial Number 9XF2L2JE000094141M37
    Firmware Revision HPD8
    Product Revision HP MM0500FBFVQ
    Reference Time 0x00156e40
    Sectors Read 0x0000002195fb69f4
    Read Errors Hard 0x00000000
    Read Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Read Errors ECC Corrected 0x0000000000000000
    Sectors Written 0x0000000078debd2b
    Write Errors Hard 0x00000000
    Write Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Seek Count 0xffffffffffffffff
    Seek Errors 0xffffffffffffffff
    Spin Cycles 0x00000000
    Spin Up Time 0x0000
    Performance Test 1 0x0000
    Performance Test 2 0xffff
    Performance Test 3 0xffff
    Performance Test 4 0xffff
    Reallocation Sectors 0xffffffff
    Reallocated Sectors 0xffffffff
    DRQ Time Outs 0xffff
    Other Time Outs 0x0000
    Drive Rebuild Count 0 (0x0000)
    Spin Retries 65535 (0xffff)
    Recovers Failed Read 0x0002
    Recovers Failed Write 0x0000
    Format Errors 0x0000
    Self Test Failures 0xffff
    Not Ready Failures 0x00000000
    Remap Abort Failures 0xffffffff
    IRQ Deglitch Count 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
    Bus Faults 0x00000016
    Hot Plug Count 1 (0x00000001)
    Track Rewrite Errors 0xffff
    Write Errors After Remap 0x0000
    Background Firmware Revision 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Media Failures 0x0000
    Hardware Errors 0x0000
    Aborted Command Failures 0x0000
    Spin Up Failures 0x0000
    Bad Target Count 0 (0x0000)
    Predictive Failure Errors 0x00000000


    Smart Array P420i in Embedded Slot : Internal Drive Cage at Port 2I : Box 2 : Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:5 : Monitor and Performance Statistics (Since Factory)

    Serial Number 9XF2L38300009411DFVH
    Firmware Revision HPD8
    Product Revision HP MM0500FBFVQ
    Reference Time 0x00156e40
    Sectors Read 0x0000002193dd9f06
    Read Errors Hard 0x00000000
    Read Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Read Errors ECC Corrected 0x0000000000000000
    Sectors Written 0x0000000078deb745
    Write Errors Hard 0x00000000
    Write Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Seek Count 0xffffffffffffffff
    Seek Errors 0xffffffffffffffff
    Spin Cycles 0x00000000
    Spin Up Time 0x0000
    Performance Test 1 0x0000
    Performance Test 2 0xffff
    Performance Test 3 0xffff
    Performance Test 4 0xffff
    Reallocation Sectors 0xffffffff
    Reallocated Sectors 0xffffffff
    DRQ Time Outs 0xffff
    Other Time Outs 0x0000
    Drive Rebuild Count 0 (0x0000)
    Spin Retries 65535 (0xffff)
    Recovers Failed Read 0x0000
    Recovers Failed Write 0x0000
    Format Errors 0x0000
    Self Test Failures 0xffff
    Not Ready Failures 0x00000000
    Remap Abort Failures 0xffffffff
    IRQ Deglitch Count 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
    Bus Faults 0x00000016
    Hot Plug Count 1 (0x00000001)
    Track Rewrite Errors 0xffff
    Write Errors After Remap 0x0000
    Background Firmware Revision 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Media Failures 0x0000
    Hardware Errors 0x0000
    Aborted Command Failures 0x0000
    Spin Up Failures 0x0000
    Bad Target Count 0 (0x0000)
    Predictive Failure Errors 0x00000000


    Smart Array P420i in Embedded Slot : Internal Drive Cage at Port 2I : Box 2 : Physical Drive (500 GB SAS) 2I:2:7 : Monitor and Performance Statistics (Since Factory)

    Serial Number 9XF2L2BM00009413GJFD
    Firmware Revision HPD8
    Product Revision HP MM0500FBFVQ
    Reference Time 0x00156e40
    Sectors Read 0x000000000004056f
    Read Errors Hard 0x00000001
    Read Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Read Errors ECC Corrected 0x0000000000000000
    Sectors Written 0x0000000000234999
    Write Errors Hard 0x00000000
    Write Errors Retry Recovered 0x00000000
    Seek Count 0xffffffffffffffff
    Seek Errors 0xffffffffffffffff
    Spin Cycles 0x00000000
    Spin Up Time 0x0000
    Performance Test 1 0x0000
    Performance Test 2 0xffff
    Performance Test 3 0xffff
    Performance Test 4 0xffff
    Reallocation Sectors 0xffffffff
    Reallocated Sectors 0xffffffff
    DRQ Time Outs 0xffff
    Other Time Outs 0x0000
    Drive Rebuild Count 0 (0x0000)
    Spin Retries 65535 (0xffff)
    Recovers Failed Read 0x0000
    Recovers Failed Write 0x0000
    Format Errors 0x0000
    Self Test Failures 0xffff
    Not Ready Failures 0x00000000
    Remap Abort Failures 0xffffffff
    IRQ Deglitch Count 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
    Bus Faults 0x00000016
    Hot Plug Count 1 (0x00000001)
    Track Rewrite Errors 0xffff
    Write Errors After Remap 0x0000
    Background Firmware Revision 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Media Failures 0x0000
    Hardware Errors 0x0000
    Aborted Command Failures 0x0000
    Spin Up Failures 0x0000
    Bad Target Count 0 (0x0000)
    Predictive Failure Errors 0x00000000


  5. 另外,发现阵列卡固件,BIOS和iLO 4固件均偏低,如下:

    iLO (iLO Advanced License) iLO 4 v2.00p67 built on Jul 30 2014
    System ROM 02/10/2014

    Slot Controller Serial# Version Version Version Revision Revision
    0 P420i 001438030013160 6.00 1.90 1 40


综上日志分析,若排除人为拔盘的操作,可以定位主要是硬盘背板的原因导致的阵列失败,同时可以确认2块硬盘(bay2,bay7)有问题,与bay2同一RAID 1组的bay5硬盘没有硬件错误,bay7是热备盘,所以如果更换硬盘背板解决连接稳定性后阵列数据是没有丢失的。



3.同时更换掉bay2,bay7问题硬盘,然后使用最新的SW Bundle更新机器固件。







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